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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. Um, that wasn't me up above, that was ninjaCHIC. My 2 posts mentioned nothing of the sort.
  2. Man some of you guys really think stickers are made really thick.
  3. I've thought about ever since 1st began riding. Always been a fear of mine.
  4. Since the 90s I have a list of emergency contacts in my wallet...and now my phone under "ICE" option. I always liked Jess just from the years chatting with her online. Very sorry about this. Hate this happened to her. My thoughts are with you Jess!
  5. Noooooo! Somebody please stop the madness of attention whores with video cameras.
  6. Wow at that crash of him going off the hill/cliff! Awesome video. Thanks for sharing Tim. I've seen tons of the Man, but never like that.
  7. Ooooh, is that Sylvia Saint? :sexytime:
  8. Right, that's what my statement was referring; meaning, there is no such thing of what I said, so they'd have to be nuns. But yeah, back to topic.
  9. My idea of great time is not Virgins, but very disease free, sexy sluts. Anyway, horrible what happened today and I hate hearing of such things.
  10. He was referring to that the terrorists seem to expect pornstar type virgins in Heaven.
  11. Hey, KZ, Lighten up. He can say anything he wants, not everyone has to agree. You may not like me saying that I believe the catholic religion is a joke, and majority of others are too, but you can believe in whatever you want and I won't persecute you for it because I have my own beliefs and nobody will change that. Maybe you should get out of Xenia, it worked wonders for me.
  12. You are the creator of it. Many dealers carry them though worldwide though. I think you told me when I was over last week so I'm not playing because I got one.
  13. Damn poor girl needs to learn to hold on and douche caught her off guard.
  14. I'm guessing you don't wear a shirt over it right? If you do, wouldn't it be hard to pull the gun? Having to lift your shirt up, reach underneath then pull it out? I'm curious....you have to wear that and nothing else right?
  15. Princesspratt doesn't get on here anymore, but she is a nurse practitioner I believe.
  16. Mow that shit before it attracts mosquitos.
  17. About 2 months ago while in bed on a work night at 1030 pm, a guy unloaded 20 rounds from his AR into his ex girlfriends car about 4 houses down from me, then he sped off; it was a drive by. I hate Dayton, but love the surrounding areas.
  18. Damn that is a sexy bike.
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