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stolen 5.0

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Posts posted by stolen 5.0

  1. If you download DVD shrink you can watch the movie in the preview pane. Right click on the preview and select "Full Screen". No other software needed. Another plus is, if it is on your hard drive, you don't need the disc.


    I didn't know this and I have dvd shrink, thanks eli

  2. Yeah, they need the front end control arms/ replaced every 50-100k usually. He is likely replacing a part at a time which gets old and expensive.

    Whole new front end kit is $500-600 which replaces every arm and bushing on the entire front suspension. Install it and you're good for at least 50K. Most people get to 75-80k before having symptoms.


    Plus all the wheel bearings

  3. Just like buying quality car parts. You get what you pay for. I had my terms wrong. An upconverter just basically pass's on a signal. You actually want an up-scaler which will make the signal look better. So buying an upconverting dvd player is just a waste of money.


    The way I look at it, if you have a dvd player right now. then you are wasting $70. Hd-dvd will be extinct soon and it isn't going to to make your dvd's look any better.

    I mean do you buy your performance car parts at Autozone too?

  4. damn...... I know fowler has got my back on the no ac 5.0. At least when he drove a stang. It would be nice to keep the windows up in the summer. Oh well, I'll cruise shirtless lookin trashy in my 5 pt slow.


    I'm back in a stang now Jimmy, it's a 4.6 though now.


    I have some stock a/c lines for a fox if you need them brent.

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