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Everything posted by gsxr750girl

  1. will you get me one while your at it? Please
  2. Hey girl hope you have a great day! I'm looking forward to tonight! I finally get to show you my new purchases from the item I traded in! I think you will like em! Well hope all is wonderful and I can't wait to hang out later! love ya girl

  3. check out my post in I think some of you may like this....heck some of you may be in this thread. I posted a picture you may laugh at :lol:

  4. :lol: you boys and your show! hey on sunday would you be willing to be in charge of bringing a couple large bags of ice? we need to fill a big metal tub and have some for drinks!? let me know thanks babe
  5. +1 when changing mine I put a little too much in...so I took the filter out and drained the filter and put it back on! worked like a charm!
  6. +1 I got my bike because it fits me the best and I grew up with Suzuki's and this is what I got!
  7. I'd be up for helping just let me know!
  8. +1 He is a ass! I was so pissed that he did what he did! Let the girl have her time, she won it!
  9. why are you not in bed?

  10. That was freaking awesome! wish I could do that on a bike! not to mention that bike is sexy!
  11. Glad to hear you are doing better!
  12. damnit now I'm gonna have to buy another battery for my phone because I'll be on my damn phone all day! Not that I'm not already on my phone all day anyways this will just make life easier!
  13. hell no :lol: be funny though

  14. hmmm spend 3 days with a bunch of dudes or on the beach with me? :lol: pretty easy choice!

  15. I'm not too worried if they don't want me going I could care less really I have the time off so I'll plan a trip south to the beach! Thanks for the invite though :)

  16. RIP riders! Thoughts and prayers with the families!
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