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Everything posted by gsxr750girl

  1. Ouch! You just have to find the right girl who enjoys bikes as much as you do! Then going out riding isn't problem!
  2. Okay so who is going this week? 8/13! hope to see a great turn out! Ninja edit... BAND this week is Sonic Boom again. There are good!
  3. we will be there around 630 7! Looks like the weather is going to be nice! Hope to see a great turn out!
  4. Got a invite from Cbrjess! So Ross and I are going to ride down tomorrow and check out bike night in your neck of the woods! I will have Ohiorider shirts and stickers with me! If you know for sure you want a shirt please send Cbrgirl a pm asap to check on sizes....she informed me sizes are limited right now! I will have a bunch of stickers! I'll be wearing either a white Ohioriders tank, or the black n red ohioriders shirt! (also just look for the white and orange gixxer ) Hope to meet a lot of new people! Keep fingers crossed for dry weather!
  5. :lol: thanks again for my rep points babe
  6. your not taking my damn orange flip flops too!
  7. a little sleepy right now!

  8. hey shouldn't you be working outside right now?

  9. great minds think a like! When I had this done to mine I never would have thought someone else would have it!
  10. sooo you trying to see me later tonight?

  11. oh you have proof huh? I think I'm the one who has proof.....it's on my camera!
  12. wore my leather today...sucked but rather have it on just incase!
  13. I hope we ruined his month! You know he was bitching about that to everyone he could tell the story too! count me in for the 1 am burnouts on his driveway! What an ass!
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