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Everything posted by gsxr750girl

  1. Don't let Andy lie to you he loves my bike!
  2. I bet dad is smiling right now! Glad we won!
  3. I love my gixxer, but I also understand a budget as well. I'd seriously look into the f4i's my friend karla just got one and she loves it! Hope you find what you are looking for! hope to see you out sometime soon!
  4. :lol: yep def a good pic! check out ross701 sig you will laugh your ass off!
  5. OMG! Why would you do that?
  6. gsxr750girl

    Rider Down

    sorry to hear about your friend...I'll keep him in my prayers for a speedy recovery!
  7. just tried calling no answer so hit me back whenever!

  8. I can't believe you are looking for another bike! :lol:

  9. hey negative nancy! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed!
  10. hey girl looks like you had a lot of fun! glad you are out enjoying the bike!
  11. keeping fingers crossed for dry weather!
  12. me and my brother me and my bike
  13. Count me in for riding in the parade sounds fun! I'll also bring a side dish as well!
  14. a variety why whats up

  15. Trapper it was nice to see ya saturday! I still laugh when I see a bass boat or a tackle box!
  16. Just wanted to thank my team for all the fun we had and the memories we made! Second place is not too bad! Thanks team 2 for a great day!
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