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Everything posted by gsxr750girl

  1. i highly doubt we will have clear weather sorry guys and gals looks like rain tonight!
  2. Thanks! I get to see it everyday and never get tired of her!
  3. hey here a few of mine not that you all haven't seen it but to get back on topic!
  4. reminder make sure you vote in the poll! Thanks everyone, hope this is a great turn out...this is a lot of fun!
  5. Just remember you can't beat on it in the rain!
  6. I have to agree with Cbrgirl....sooo cute, hope you all are doing well
  7. last night was fun, about 18 of us came out! hoping the rain holds off for bike night tonight!

  8. Hey girl welcome to the site! Glad to see more and more females getting out and riding. I'm out almost everyday riding so if you wanna get out call me!

  9. WHAT? Its so sunny here damn I hate ohio!

  10. Are you riding to dinner tonight?

  11. I'm down for hooters I mean wings! I'm really not sure you can top the one you have but I'll sure try too give you some good stuff to work with!
  12. I'll be there! who wants to meet before? or are we doing hooters again! Never know ross you might get a new sig out of it if we hit up hooters! lol
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