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Everything posted by gsxr750girl

  1. lol who would have thought that would have been so funny!? Awh thanks guys yea I am just being me, and I'm really open I just like to kick back and have fun with my friends! I know we talked about how my personality can get me into trouble, but at the same time thats the real me so I'm glad you guys are fine with that!

  2. hey how are ya? Can't wait to see the bike all back and ready! Sick ride by the way!

  3. Thanks for my new name! lol last night was too funny!

  4. I have no idea what that even is lol....last night was too funny glad you guys stopped by!

  5. Still want to go but can you guys wait for me can be there 1220? I have til about 3 but I can split whenever. Let me know if u will wait.
  6. See you guys at noon I can only play for a couple hours have some stuff to do in the afternoon but will def come out for a couple hours!
  7. See you all there I'll be there with Casper and CBRGirl! Looking forward to meeting you all. This should be a great time!
  8. I'll see what he can do for a "friend" of mine!

  9. I sent him a message and I'll see him tomorrow...how soon do you want them on?

  10. Ha ha good times lots of laughs....looking forward to next time!
  11. caution flag due to slick spot on the track lmao!
  12. Ha ha hey even f4ibunny agreed except she liked the 1098! lol
  13. yes lots of funny stories and a lot that could be a signature
  14. Had a good time as always...nice to put names with faces! good times good times!
  15. I thought the O.R. bike night was on Thursday nights?
  16. keeping fingers crossed for no rain
  17. ha ha thats awesome wish I could have seen it! I was talking with paul last week joking saying to paint my bike all neon orange with white wheels he laughed....but seriously am working on a new look for my bike!

  18. Hey so who is going to come out? looks like a 30-40% chance of rain the last I checked! I'll be going as long as no rain this evening!
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