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Posts posted by gsxr750girl

  1. I'd like to thank the members from OhioRiders that showed up for the funeral today. Your time and support meant a lot.

    I think I speak for a lot of us that were there....... It ment a lot to us too. You are very welcome.

  2. Oh boy...sounds like he's sporting the "lamp shade".

    Dont let him sneak up behind you....you'll have bruises on your calves for WEEKS.

    BTW, what did he eat?

    The vet said it was a fur ball! Rocky seems to think it was a rabbit from the back yard....I have bets a small cat! :lol: Yes my boy has a lamp shade!

  3. couldn't have asked for a better day then today! Started off a little chilly but not for long....warmed right up! Was awesome too see that many bikes out to honor him! It was a great site to see! Even better to hear the sound when all the bikes started up as we left! Sent chills down my spine. I hope his family and friends find comfort in the time to come. RIP you will be missed.

  4. thanks guys for caring about my big goofy lab! I was a nervous wreck all day but like 250 said he is fine. Hopefully he learns his lesson but I seriously doubt he will. I'm excited to see him when I get off work tomorrow! I'll post some pics tomorrow!

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