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Posts posted by gsxr750girl

  1. Damn and I thought I was going to start it! :lol: I think if we put half the energy into promoting all the other events we plan on doing as Ohio Riders we could make a great name for ourselves! Just an idea.

    +1 to the idea about taking more pics, and passing out some Ohio Riders stickers and what not at the bike nights! This site could be huge and we could do great things. It won't hurt to get the name out there some more! :D

  2. :

    Yeah, we've been slacking on the pictures thing.......

    As for CbrGirl, I agree. Its stupid to have a forum for just QS&L threads. That's why we broke down the sections of the state.

    In all honesty, everything was working great until someone said Mr Bret should be the only one starting the threads. That's idiotic, like saying I'm the only one that should start political threads because I do it the most.

    If you all put as much effort into pushing Ohio Riders events as you do QS&L threads, we'd be huge.

    I don't care who starts the threads. But no bitching when someone posts it before you. Nobody owns the QS&L threads. Nobody's the mod of the QS&L threads.


  3. Schmuckgirl, I think you will learn more then you think in that class! I did, I had been riding for a couple years then took it! I still learned a lot, hope to meet ya soon I sent ya a pm about going riding did ya get it?

  4. Then later the same day, I spotted it again by a tattoo shop out off 40.


    It sure is an amazing creature.

    :lol: you guys kill me! I'll have to agree it is amazing! I love it! Maybe that owner will let me take it around the block for a ride on my bike? hmm? wishful thinking? :D Mine is pretty in person too!

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