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Status Updates posted by gsxr750girl

  1. its cool you can ask him all day long he won't copy a paint scheme or even close to it! thats why he gets so much work is because non of his paint looks the same!

  2. Just didn't want to over step my welcome! I have a truck so I can always put it in there if need be! Just let me know! I have never went there always wanted too! If you don't mind me tagging along it would be fun!

  3. just remember your broke so you can't afford a motard! :lol:

  4. just stopping by to say hi! hope your week goes well

  5. just stopping in to say hi!

  6. just tried calling no answer so hit me back whenever!

  7. last night was fun, about 18 of us came out! hoping the rain holds off for bike night tonight!

  8. Laughing at your post in a certain thread but I won't say which one but lets say we had same opinion on it :lol: this site makes me giggle!

  9. lol who would have thought that would have been so funny!? Awh thanks guys yea I am just being me, and I'm really open I just like to kick back and have fun with my friends! I know we talked about how my personality can get me into trouble, but at the same time thats the real me so I'm glad you guys are fine with that!

  10. lol yep thats me in front of the bike! if you are a friend on my page you can see all of my pictures from that photo shoot. its about 15 mins from easton. I have to work at 6am sunday so I won't be out late lol!

  11. Look at Ross on your friends list! That is my bf and his avatar is the same as one of my pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. look I caught a mouse!

  13. looking forward to bike week! thanks for coming last night had a blast!

  14. maybe we will swing by pony at 6 I can't really walk I dislocated my ankle but am going to attempt to ride out tonight :) I'm a trooper!

  15. Nice meeting you too! we should all go ride soon! Let me know about a job! You F'ing rock for the OR shout out!

  16. nice seeing ya today!

  17. oh crap my bad! well it had to come out at some point!

  18. Oh my I'm so sorry! If you need anything just let us know! yes we need to hook up!

  19. oh yea i was a little tipsy! lol

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