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Everything posted by gsxr750girl

  1. if it is nice I'll be there! which place are we meeting at?
  2. I didn't say you did I was talking about how you said people try to get out of hard work and some are just lazy! Sorry shot my english teacher I don't type very well now ask me to save someone's life on the side of the road I'm that person!
  3. This would be great! I would love if my training transfered to OSU or to another University. I could get the degree I'm looking at a lot easier, and I'm not trying to get out of hard work! Like Flounder and Shitty said. Some people look down upon those who don't have a degree. I honestly want a degree! I hate the fact I only have national and state cards to show for all my hard work! I'm not in the least way unhappy or not proud of what I do for a living. All I'm saying is to have some help with a degree would be nice!
  4. I was at shell no one there went to bike night counted 10 bikes on way home got wet! Off to clean that damn white bike! maybe next week will be nicer out and I'll get to see everyone!
  5. thats too bad, very sad story! I really don't understand what goes through some of these kids heads! Thoughts and prayers are with the families!
  6. anyone actually going to go if so where we meeting at? shell? let me know I will tough it out and make it for a bit!
  7. it's a little chilly out but I will make it for a little while then probably head home to relax!
  8. i get off work at 530 on a normal day so hopefully i get to leave on time and can make it by 7!
  9. I'll be out not sure about Rocky though
  10. I was being serious about my last post I got back on and all my stuff was mia! oh well!
  11. Oh, I see I thought for a moment I lost my mind and I didn't post anything!
  12. Let me c I may take him! I hate to see him have to go to a shelter at ten because most people won't adopt him and you know what that means!
  13. so was he rockin my bike? hmm wonder when you saw him? he only rode it for a sec! but can't really miss it huh?
  14. hey ask rocky he does it for part of his living! I'm sure he can teach you some basic skills and work with ya!
  15. ok probably see you there i was at your house with that group that came too look at the tires! i just had my bike painted and the wheels done so hopefully I'll make it in time!
  16. what time is the last bike out? i'm seriously putting the wheels on mine as we speak!
  17. that bike is sexy but I agree not good when you wanna drag a knee! I still would like to see it in person and have one!
  18. there is a good ride going on saturday if you wanna go on that? not sure how long you are planning on staying here in cols but the weather is going to be great all weekend! maybe see ya around I work all day fri til 530 so can't meet up! Damn work!
  19. like me! ha ha see you all saturday!
  20. yep she looks better then ever! hey and dweezel don't forget your tackel box! lol see ya then.....
  21. I'll be on the ride on the 6th! probably ride some that night too! see ya there!
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