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Everything posted by VIPER

  1. VIPER

    Ky trip / invite

    i can borrow a truck from my dad to haul my bike down.if i go i can leave Fri but i would either have to come back Sunday night or monday
  2. VIPER

    Ky trip / invite

    hmmmm i might have to see if i can get a couple days off and head down there..you guys ride your bike all the way down or haul them?
  3. heres a couple of my pieces SKS Assault Rifle with 20rnd banana clip older Lorcin 380(dad gave me) and a brand new Lorcin 380
  4. VIPER


    lol..that was great!
  5. VIPER


    ya i am only 40 mins away..lol..
  6. i'm going with my dad.so i would be down to meet you guys inside of the IX Center
  7. VIPER

    Got MySpace?

  8. I will be there Saturday..i think i should be there by noon
  9. VIPER

    Crash Vid

    ouch...that has to hurt
  10. Hey Hoopers.I can't wait to go riding with everyone this season
  11. VIPER

    Holy Toledo

    Hey Sonny.hope you guys had a great time this weekend
  12. Hey eveyrone..My name is Dustin,im 23yrs old and i am from Clyde,OH.Its about 25minutes Southwest of Cedar Point.I just bought a 04 Suzuki GS500F 2 days ago.
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