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Everything posted by VIPER

  1. nice 6..i am going to look at a 95ZX7R tommorow and if it doesn't work out i would like to check this 6 out..i will let you know
  2. i would but all i have is $2,500
  3. you can buy my 500..its not fast..top speed is 115mph.it has 2,450miles on it and its an 04..lowered..new they are $5,100 and i am selling mine for $2,800 OBO
  4. Well i am looking to get $2,800 OBO out of it..Its a 04 Suzuki GS500F with ONLY 2,450miles on it!It has a couple scratches on the rear fairings and 1 by the headlight but looks and runs great.. Ask ICEMAN,he has seen it alot.He said when he was riding infront of me yesterday it looked like a drag bike..lol it has intergrated taillights and c/f short front turnsignals.the bike has been lowered but i got recieved the stock links to raise it back up. before i sell it i want to make sure i have another bike,i don't want to go bikeless this summer
  5. VIPER

    WTB a 600

    i am going to sell my GS500F and looking to buy a 600 under $3,000..anyone know of anyone that could help me get one?thanks
  6. i planned on riding up there with goose to watch but i have too go in early now..work sucks!
  7. VIPER


    Just wondering if anyone had one.If so add me to your friends list. screen name is rollin03fire I have Motorstorm so if anyone wants to play against me
  8. VIPER

    Kink BMX Bike

    its a very nice bike!looks even better in person
  9. Steering Wheel- Have a Bride Steering Wheel that has never been used..red and black $15 OBO Quick Release Hub Adaptor- never been used..Silver $10 OBO Helmet- its a offroad Mojave helmet.only been worn 3 times..black/blue/white/grey $20 OBO Lightening Audio Amp- used and doesnt look the best but works great 250max $10 OBO My girlfriend is selling some stuff too.. Recliner- blue.has no stains and does not creak. $50 Bedframe- Fullsize.comes with headboard,footboard and metal frame..good condition $125 OBO Kitchen Table- its in good condition.sterdy..table,table ext and chairs $150 OBO
  10. HAS BEEN SOLD!!! i am selling my indash dvd player in very good condition.I don't really need it and i am trying to pay my bills off. i am asking $450 O.B.O.!!! here is a pic and specs on it http://www.pioneer.eu/eur/products/arch ... index.htmlha
  11. VIPER

    age groups

    i'm 23..will be 24 in August
  12. www.toledosportbikeriders.com www.ohiocustomz.com
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