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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. Are you cool with the guy or something? I just find this whole thread odd...
  2. I agree 100% I would tell the people I worked with that it was mandatory at least once a week.
  3. For the time being. They are pretty fucking annoying when they are high which is 1/2 the day, every day of the week. This reminds me, I have to take a pic of the skeet. I think its literally, permanently carmalized on the exhaust. Funny. and sick, at the same time.
  4. Seems about right. In similar news, one of the dancers I talk to, made real good money Tuesday, calls and asks to hang out yesterday. She calls me, and says sorry-Im in Ft. Lauderdale. Me- Wtf? Her-Yeah, me and Shawna needed to get away for a few days- she had a bad week. Me-WTF? I call shenanigans. She- Sends a pic of her in Ft Lauderdale. Bitches with money, are CRAZY.
  5. I could steer my car, with the tires spinning, without much issue. Maybe its the roids.
  6. Id love to see your Cholesterol levels in a few years..
  7. You a little to hyped to think clearly, but I will give you Beverly. I was more speaking on their Proteins. BSN is silky smooth, and some on the biggest and leanest Motherfuckers I worked with only use it. They're fucked on Ethyl Ester, but shit happens.
  8. He is correct. I managed a GNC, am a personal trainer-and I more or less have a pretty good grasp on what works, and what doesn't. The most fit people that walked in y store-5-8% bodyfat, great muscle mass, just stuck with their protein, and tried something every now and again. The guys that were stacking No2+a CRE product+Beta+Test+++ usually had unimpressive physiques, and were likely trying to hard to substitute hard work for suplimentation. Cliffs of my knowledge-Take in at least 1g of protein per lbs body weight. Once a week-surge that to 1.5g, and double your calorie count. That surge crates a ridiculous anabolic effect that will up GH and Test levels naturally. As far as supliments go- the best all around company in stores today as far as product quality and performance goes, is Gaspari. BSN is a fairly close second.
  9. Did he get hurt bad? Going down is never fun.
  10. We had that car at my Club this weekend. It sounds slow. For us, its a gimmick. For the average Joe- its super cool dude.
  11. Sort of on topic- This is the best shit I've heard all year. Sounds hot-hits hard-good lyrics. Its also motivated me to build another lowrider-used to have one with a stretched greed frame, and 100 spoke Gold D's.
  12. It can be, if you bring the VHT. The particular vette is a roll car first, dig car second. But, if you want to play for some bottom 9's cars, you have PM.
  13. Now thats pretty funny. Sam's a good dude, but Im not even white!@ Im not hiding from anyone-never have. When I bring the boys down to race- you get you guys up here, Im pretty easy to spot. Usually, the loudest motherfucker in the lot. My face/voice/name has been in many videos, and is far from private. Fuck someone told me you can Google me and be entertained for hours on the findings.
  14. I'd say close to 90% of the main posters have met me. Hell, I would say I have personally set up races for over 25% of then-steep considering not everyone here street races.
  15. You know- to me that like Tribal tats, and affliction shirts. Gay, follower type shit so guys can try to at least appear tuff, or "sweet". I know what your talking about though, I have been told by friend they want to get a bike because chics like them. My response, is to slap them upside the head. I could go to the club broke, shirtless, with my dick in my hand, and do well. I got the bike to ride, not to look "cool". I built my cars to go fast, in an attempt to scare myself-not to be seen as cool in some community of social misfit toolboxes. I work at the most popular club in Cleveland, and I see COUNTLESS males and females trying to be soooo fucking cool, and looking like a moron in the process. Cool is something you are, not something you buy. When 50% of the guys in the club are wearing the same $120 T-Shirt you are, thats should be your first clue. This is not directed twards you-just a general rant about people trying too fucking hard to be cool, or fit in.
  16. Sorry Mang. but, I just got a laugh at thinking about you opening that at work, and going OMG WTF and scrambling to close it. :asshole: I would have hit it bent over a mail box brotha, I just needed to get out of the club, because the chic that I was locked into going home with was there as well. The bike's got nothin to do it. But if it makes you feel better, you can think whatever you like.
  17. Eddie served his time. He is out now. He didn't make "bad" investments...He was the head of something, and finally got popped. I'll leave it at that, because I didn't know it was not semi public info.
  18. Your 600RR easily doubles as a http://www.liberator.com/ True Story. I even have my signature on the frame as evidence, since I rode straight to work from some OTHER chics house I stayed at last night. Good lord its good to be single.
  19. I was looking for a race for a certain Vette, and could not find any available suitors. Thats kind of sad guys. Post up if your car is running, what it is, and if its ready to race. This will make being DK so much easier for me. Me-Fuzion 7
  20. Good luck. At this point- it really seems like you'll need it.
  21. No, your just young, and obviously still wet behind the ears. You've been engaged since you were 17/18? It rarely, if ever, lasts long when you do that. I dont know the stats, but I'd bet the break up rate around that time period is around 70ish%.
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