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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. 12 sec car, as in 12.99? I remember my stg 1 STI put a couple of car lengths on it. :cool::D







    Supra up for any digs?


    If so, we will be in touch.




    If your referring to the car he just race with in AZ, he does not own it anymore. (Yet, was still called out to race it!!) Yup, his new whip is actually a dig machine. I am sure it will be down in Columbus at least once next year.


    First race is a rematch with the Hornet though :eek:

  2. JP all you have to do is call me in the spring and i will be more than willing to line up again and again with any car you want me to race. ;)


    Why cant your all your CR Brothas be like you?! You, Sam, Tilley, Tinman, Neon John, and a few others are the only ones down for whatever down there it seems.


    Again-your the man! :woowoo:

  3. yep 20 - 120 i would have held that supra off and just like i would held the mighty colt off. :)


    i would love to see the video i know steel city supra went 8.99 @ 158


    Its all speculation now about the Colt, but you really would not have a snowball's chance in hell with the Surpa.


    But what the heck-I will give you that race if you do a 60ish roll with me afterwards. What do ya say?

  4. stats:

    The roads are easy, the BTS logs it all for us:



    Registered vehicles: 243,023,486

    crashes: 4,746,307


    That's 1 in 51 vehicles being involved in an accident in 2005. Keep in mind, this is vehicles registered. Many of us own multiple vehicles, so that would further skew the numbers in my favor.


    Climbing accidents aren't logged nationally, just by state (or by park in some cases). Even worse, we have no idea how many people have signed climbers logs in 2005, it's not possible to tabulate. So, we'll focus on one high profile, very demanding, and saught after peak. Longs Peak.

    I pick longs because it's the crown jewel of one of the oldest national parks in the country. It adorns Colorados quarter, and there's even a portrait of it in OSUs Geology library. This mountain is not a walk-up, it requires climbing. It's VERY popular, and see's experienced mountaineers and total morons alike (I was once stopped on descent by a n old guy sitting on a rock who asked "excuse me, are you a doctor? My pulse won't go down" I advised him to rest then descend.) At 14,225ft, it is highly underestimated.

    Estimated climbers per year: 15,000-16,000 (some tools don't sign in).

    Accidents in 2005: 2 (Neither fatal, one requiring extraction)

    So that's 1 in 7500


    Since you're not savvy, I'm sure you doubt my mountain choice, but trust me, with this peak I'm SERIOUSLY giving you the benefit of the doubt. You won't find a greater concentration of people who have no buisness mountaineering on a mountain. A national statistic damn sure wouldn't be one in fifty.



    You said “greater chance of tragedy” which I interpreted to be a fatal accident. And since we are comparing it to people dying on a Mountain-I thinks its only fair to compare fatal accidents to their fatal deaths.


    Besides, comparing a fender bender to an Icy death on the side of a mountain is kind of retarded don’t you think?

  5. Please don’t, there was no lapse of judgment. Compare the number of people driving to the number of people who've gotten in accidents, and you'll find that the ratio of total climbers vs those who have needed rescued is vastly better..


    Feel free to do so. If you can provide such factual information from a credible source, I will paypal you one dollar. I simple don’t care enough to dig up the info-but I also in no way believe it.


    MAYBE-if the consider every Tom, Dick, and Harry hiker who waked to a 1000ft elevation once in 78' a climber, you may have a Powers' chance in a street race minute chance of being correct here.


    We'll see.

  6. I completely agree. I've never done much more than some rock scrambling, but what you say covers alot of areas of interest. If we let people like that dictate what we can or cannot do, pretty soon we'll all have to take baths and piss sitting down because standing will be too dangerous.



    No one said they could not go up the mountain-people are just saying why risk lives to save the lives of those who put themselves in a dangerous position-which is a good point.


    The needs of the Many outweigh the needs of the Few.



    I would agree a rescue attempt in adverse situations would be ridiculous, but it seems they had good weather for a rescue search-and the Mountain is not of that high of elevation either.


    Benz Guy-we will write off you comparing climbing a mountain to the drive to work in terms of safety as a momentary laps of judgment from your angry state.

  7. It's here because every thread you post in ends up in here at some point in time, I was saving the Mods time and energy.





    I literally..... just shit myself reading that.


    You’re the man now dog!




































    ...sits and waits for non clever ytmnd.com links...

  8. you care or you wouldn't have posted this. it bothers you in some way or another.




    Yes, it bothers me that there are pussys and/or people this ignorant still left on this world. You would think with all the advancements in society that we would have started to eliminate people like this already.


    Anyone have some nuc's I could borrow to clean up the East side? (Think Bottoms of Columbus)...


    I guess I cant be too upset-we still need people to work our fast food joints, mow our grass, and take out our trash right?

  9. planned on getting a 408, but my wife is pushing for us to fix up the house and sell it so we can move to Dublin. I'm going to end up with a 383 or a 402. It all depends on how much it will cost. Then I'm going to direct port 2 stages of spray, get a rossler 4l60e with a trans brake, and a bigger stall. A k member and a arms for the front to lighten the car up some, and remove some extra weight from under the hood.


    Sounds stought-

  10. Except a pissed off stalker.......


    Did you walk around in disguise everyday since you were driving this car?


    If the answer is no, then someone knew.......





    I had the car lees than 2 weeks. Its highly unlikely.



    Either way-ferk it. Whether it was random, or a planned attack- the people involved are either punks or pussies, and in either case I still don’t give a shit.

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