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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. See, now thats funny! Oh no, we will still have our race, and if you find the 10+mph your missing (conservatively factoring in what the turbo and internals sitting on my dresser should net me), you should beat me. But in my humble opinion, a (hopefully heavily by next year) modded ZO6 shooting for a fun econoboxs is like The Missouri in heated battle with PT-109; stupid and mismatched. If your do beat me, what have you gained? You can then brag to your friend about pulling 1/2 a car on a 93 Dodge Colt. Why bother when you can gun for what will be the baddest street can on Ohio's streets? I guess we can consider it a qualifier for the main event. If you cant beat me by a buslength, then there will be no point in lining up with Ohioko4s4.
  2. Let it go? I was never holding on. The only person who brought it BACK up, looks to be you in an attempt to be correct in a situation where correctness or proper use of the noun in question never really mattered, at least in my eyes. Who has the inferiority complex again? I did not whine about my back account vs. yours now did I? Go ahead, I will give you time to go back and read my post again and look for this comparison............ Not there? Right! If you could read, I just simply said you have other things to worry about- which include going faster. I would assume a hard working beefcake like you has more money than a full time college student. It would be stupid to argue other wise don’t you think? If you wrenched yourself, I would have told you to make a trip to Jegs, but that is not that case here now is it. I know 136mph wont be much for next year, but if you feel your in heated competition with a home grown Econobox, I feel for you. You should set you sights on a worthy opponent, one with a similar platform and similar resources, like Ohioko4s4. Oh and the turbo upgrade arrived Today, thanks for asking. :thumbup:
  3. Its the interweb, a place in where many a fag goes to feel special for what they lack in there role in society. Fucking flame me I could car less only if I cared at all. You speak of diplomacy like CR is the fucking Untied Nations. The world Medulla, in my opinion was the funniest available because it harkens back to the Colonel Sanders professor character in from the Water boy. Water boy=funny. Worrying about being biologically correct and/or truthful in the post was not on the top on the list. You need to stop worrying about being politically correct, a diplomat, a Dr, a Biology professor, and go swipe you credit card at IPS a few times to ensure you place on the totem pole next year. Your quick wit on the interweb wont save you from a roll.
  4. I could give a fuck less. Medulla was the funnier word to use in the situation, and that is the only reason why I used it. I was simply adding to this running joke of a thread. If I said his left nut was malfunctioning, would you have given me the medical expiation to denounce that one too? Man you people care too much lol!
  5. And WTF I just realized my previous posts were not even directed towards you. What’s your malfunction?
  6. fath•om ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fthm) n. Abbr. fth. or fm. tr.v. fath•omed, fath•om•ing, fath•oms To penetrate to the meaning or nature of; COMPREHEND. Yes, you have difficulty doing so obviously, at least using your brain to do so. Im not a doctor so I cant help you on why to does not happen Bwahaha!! This would be funny even if every post on these or any forums could be deemed "useful." Thanks for the laugh.
  7. It hurts my little heart, really.
  8. Ok, sure I'll rephrase it just for you. It was in reference to DaTroof being called an E-thug dipshit. Is it really that hard to fathom for your little medulla? The force is not strong with this one.
  9. E-thugs are sweet. I am still yet to meet one that was a tuff guy in real life.
  10. Nelsons is one of those old school tracks you can still die at, quite easily actually. 1:17.2 With less power and stock brakes and Kumho 712's. Not blazing a trail but I dont think it is too terible. Like to see 1:16 next year with my BFG's up front and Hawk Pads. I dont know if the extra 200whp from then will help or aid in a visit to the tire wall.
  11. Ok fair enough. I will fix the heading then, it was only meant for "straight" line races.
  12. Wow, that’s creative. Or I can delegate the job to a maintenance employee, since I (was) a facility manager, but since it’s a seasonal job and its OBVIOUSLY not summer, I guess this situation is null and void eh num nuts? I am just sick of AC/RR cry babys piping in on Drag/Street racing threads as this one crying “Whaaa, your cars might be fast, but you cant turn, blah blah blah” and what not. First off, WTF do we care? Did we build the god damn car to be a RR car? No. Are you going to prove your worth and challenge me to the fastest to make the next oncoming turn fag balls? Obviously not. Are you going to Road race someone on the street to show off how well your 3000$ suspension’d car turns in my face? Wtf! And last off, who is to say my car “doesn’t turn” as you people like to put it? Have you ever asked what my best time at Nelsons was? I bet it is much better than your run of the mill street tooner machine. Get fucked because the little Colt that could can do it all. And either way, who gives a fuck, this is a drag/roll racing thread, so again I say go test your skillz at the local BMV, they have lots of cones there. On 270, 480, 71, your sweet suspension wont help you and your lame excuses.
  13. Fucking roadrace/Autocross guys. Go find a cone to turn around.
  14. Its the truth. Same story at Nelsons also.
  15. coltboostin


    And you though a 136mph Econobox was fast Whats comming for next year. Check out my blue Mazda http://www.shockerjoe.com/Vids/thebestrace.wmv Are you ready? Hoes bow down now.
  16. I was illustrating and strengthening your point my being sarcastic and posting cars that don’t exists which is about as good as posting an Atom and Noting you can spay 100's of stock cars into the 11's. Christ why did I have to just explain myself?!
  17. 1) Hyduda Kumasi-LLE- Stock with DR's 2)Vulcan Famy-On spray 3)98 Dodge Caravan on Spray.
  18. Any funcking V8 with a big shot. Thats laime. My cock would run 11.5 with enough Nitrous as well.
  19. Ok jesus delete the wife part! My wife"y" does not like ridding in it all that much either, only because she assumes I will get into a race at some point in time durring the ride.
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