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Posts posted by renegadmonk

  1. The amount of places with the "no gun" signs is definitely absurd, however. Especially when they are mandated by law (privately owned bars, for example). Decisions should be left up to the property owners at all times.

    it should be but ........but.....if you think you may get into a situation stay out of those places.....too bad the law here isnt like Florida's they got the best CCW law around.

  2. +1000000

    Ludefreak = jonny toughguy..

    +1 .....i stay out of bad situations if possible but sometimes you may have to go somewhere that is questionable as far as safety goes and hell that could be anywhere nowadays.....lets say to drop someone off, pick them up, maybe the ATM at night because you really have to pay a bill that you forgot, Or you want some cash to go just in case you decide to buy something somewhere that doesnt have "plastic machines"....you never know. And to get stopped by Barny Fife and not have the CCW endorsement would suck when you are just trying to protect your own ass or your loved ones.

  3. I'm teaching a ccw class this coming Saturday in Copley. Class is the NRA Basic Pistol and qualifies you for your Ohio CCW. Cost is $100. Class will start at 8:30am and run for 12 hours. If anyone is interested, send me a pm.

    Thats a great price ...mine cost $139 at OLETC in Grove City ....i had a blast and the instructor was awesome.

  4. If you dont feel like spending the money for advanced training classes, I would suggest looking to see if they hold any IDPA matches in your area.. they are fun, cheap, and great practice for real life situations.


  5. A few (P-51's) came in Tuesday....a few more on wednesday and a ton came in on Thursday i believe. I work down there also at Air Tahoma. The F-22 is awesome as was stated i first saw one fly back in '00 or '01 down at Dobbins Air Reserve Station in north Atlanta....awesome site. Unfortunately I wont be able to make it...at least at the moment...so i hope some of you get some more awesome pics like the ones shown earlier in this thread.

  6. I guess you grew up with more money than I did.

    now that is funny......more money? LOL..but seriously just never knew of many schools like that. Not saying i had a lot of problems moving from the city to the quasi-burbs in 8th grade but i guess there is always a few in every group that try to cause problems for new people who are different in anyway. I usually nipped the problem quickly one way or another and made alot of friends in fact i believed its one of the best thing to happen to me....i had to learn to deal with people other than those from my own group which is the way the world works....dont clown me for this next statement...but the fact is...."most of my closest friends are white."

  7. ......he was "drunk hunting"....or at least thats what the cops call it!!!!....i got yanked one night for NOT USING MY TURN SIGNAL at a light where i was in a designated turn only lane..he lit me up...je let me off, but that was because i was stone cold sober!!!! it was 2:15 in the AM...

    duck....i mean DRUNK HUNTING is common amoung cops....they will pull you over for anything they can find JUST too see if your drunk at that time in the morning....they are not the smartest pl in the world so they have to use LUCK most of the time to catch the bad guys!!!!! i mean come on, thats why they are working the streets and not a detective :)

    dont get me wrong there are goood and bad cops... i judge on a per cop basis....but i still realize that "stereo type" ussually run true for most situations

    Yeah they are looking for anything that late. You figure its near bar closing time so their chances are good. Plus the "no turn signal" sometimes can mean a stolen car since the columns get peeled during theft.

    They have been cruising my complex alot lately thank God... couple people been broke into and a few robbed late at night( 1:30-3:00am). They believe its some young punks living nearby in another complex with someone who lives in my complex acting as watch-out. I stay armed when i am out that late at night when leaving my gf's house who lives nearby. Sorry to hear they harassed you though.

  8. You were better off in my school being black than fat so do not start with the oppressed talk.

    My neighbor is an anesthesiologist and she is a black woman, I am sure that she would not be happy with someone telling her she cant do it because of her race. She would probably say I am a doctor because I worked hard and spent my time studying. Tell her that she is oppressed and she will tell you if oppressed is making 300k then yes I am.

    People can achieve what ever they want and the only limiting factor is themselves.

    that was a "one of a kind school" you went to.

  9. ok sorry about that ...a little fire coming out there.... hopefully this incident will subside and folks can get past theses few individual causing a big uproar. 6 on 1 was wrong for sure but alot of deep hard feelings are still there when it comes to race. Dont know if that will ever change.

  10. Watch it. That's teetering on the line.

    Let's keep this a civil debate.

    yeah no shit! besides if this kid that got beat up was hanging nooses up on a tree he deserves an ass kicking..try that shit where i am from and the potentional of a kid like that catching a few hot ones in the ass highly probable!

  11. You're a Hall of Fame running back who has multiple acting roles in movies, marry a gergous blonde who is WAY younger than you, tried and acquitted in the biggest murder trial this country has ever seen, and THEN write a book about "hypothecially" killing 2 people.... Yeah, people tend to remember those things about you.

    Ex gorgeous blonde she sniff more coke than Mortan Downy Jr.....well maybe not but as for Ron Goldman he was an idiot anyway. You walking around with a woman who had a husband who is crazy about her and known to get very jealous.... he was stupid. Maybe he didnt deserve to get killed but he deserved a beatdown for sure. As for this Vegas thing the witnesses were said to be questionable also.

  12. You know who I am. I'm the Iron Pony kid's dad. And to anyone else, this man pulled out a two wheel, tire screaming, head shaking, out of control slide in turn one. I went directly to his garage and shook his hand for that save.

    BTW, Owndjoo, pretty sure I was the only witness of your high speed escapade last year. Maybe I better stay home next weekend and just wish you luck.

    Like that's gonna happen.

    And Lizard, I hear what you're saying about taking it to the track instead of the street. My 88 ZX-10 had nothing on what's out there now. Clutch's R6 screams, then Sinner let me ride his 05 ZX-10. Holy Shit Dude! I'm in my fifties and I have no problem with, "Come Get Some!" but just be safe my friends. I'm excited about selling my DR-Z400 and moving up to a KTM 560SM. Anyway, have fun and let me know if I can be the sign off guy in Zville if any of you really want, or have the kajunas, to do this.

    Pops you are stirring the hell out of that Zville pot.....:D

  13. up until 2005 it was 15 minute job, including opening the box and package. The 05 models the mirrors have the turn signals in them and the wires go through the windscreen and fairing stay.

    Then the connections to the damn Signals are between the headlight and the fairing so the only way to get the turn signals (mirrors) disconnected is to unbolt the front upper fairing and drop it down to get to it.

    now that sucks dont care to screw with uppers if i dont have to.

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