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Everything posted by TwitchMacabre

  1. Duno if there are any NESBA folks here... but I will be there 13 Oct. Any one else?
  2. this is the funny http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Squid-Gear-Used-knee-slider-pucks-Black_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34355QQihZ019QQitemZ290163026187QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  3. Did not get to meet any of you folks. I was in garage #4. I think I saw owndjoo doing mach 1.2 on the track. My lap timer confirmed (1:56) that I won the slow trophy. Try to catch you guys next year.
  4. I have done track days/schools with these three. All good places to go. But beware, once you go track, street riding becomes wack. http://www.fastone.com/ http://www.nesba.com/ http://www.sportbiketracktime.com/
  5. Sweet. I got a garage and 3 guys coming down from Canada. One American and 3 Canadians, 4 SV1000s....what could go wrong? They have never been to Mid-O, I promised them that we can grab an instructor to show us some good lines in the first session. Will you be in the intermediate group? Also, I read that these suspension folks were going to be there. I would not mind a professional set up(Tweeking suspension is still a black vodo witchcraft art to me). What is the word on the street with these folks? http://departmentofsuspension.com/ What are your thoughts?
  6. Anybody doing a track day on Sept 24 at Mid Ohio?
  7. Marriage?....You poor bastards...
  8. I am going up Sat Morning, got a hotel room. Come back on Sunday.
  9. Holly crap, how many bike on track at a time?
  10. Looks great... your family is now a biker gang.
  11. Any you track masters use a lap timer at Mid-Ohio? If so, where do you mount the I/R receiver on the left or right side. Any lessons learned would much be appreciated.
  12. I will be getting a hotel room because I am too up-ity for camping. FREE PARIS!
  13. On 18 June, I drove up to Nelson Ledges http://www.nelsonledges.com/ for a track school with Fasttrax http://www.fastone.com/ The day started of like any other track day, reregistration, and a tech check. Then the riders were split into an A group and a B group. A group were the faster riders and riders that already did a previous B Group day. B group are folks that have not been to the Nelson Ledges track yet. There were 30 bikes total for the day. 26 in B group, 4 in A group. Being my first time to Nelson Ledges I went into the B Group. After registration and Tech inspection we split into our groups for the classroom brief/ first class. The instructors first question in B group was "Who has been to a track before"? I was the only one to raise my hand. So i got kicked out of B group and sent to A group. A group had 4 riders with 4 instructors. The way A group worked was, they assigned us to one instructor while on free instructor rode around evaluating our performance. So three groups with a roaming instructor. There were 3 sessions in the morning, and 4 in the afternoon that lasted 25 mins apiece. First session was track familiarization and the instructors could get a feel for our level. Second sessions was to work on reference markers, third session was body positioning, for the rest of the days sessions was to work on individual goals. One thing I wanted to work on was entry speed, so an A instructor worked with me, one on one with that. Then the last sessions was to crank of laps, working on the stuff I learned that day. At the 5th sessions, these Ohio boys and a Brit did not fair so well in the heat. 91F. They would be out for 10 mins then come in cause they were making mistakes, not crashing but showing mental fatigue. Good on them for being safe. One girl in the A session crashed twice in the morning, 1st time went off track, 2nd time scrapped her center stand on her Ninja 250.. she got a ride to the hospital for hitting her head a little too hard. When you get to A group, you can asked to be evaluated by a instructor to see if you can attend the racer school. One of the students on a R1 LE was being evaluated, as the day got hotter, in the last session he got mentally tired and went off the track. No crash just missed a turn, being smart he went into the pits. So the Last couple of sessions, it was me and 3 instructors on the track. MOTORCYLE BLISS! What really helped me out was using reference markers. Brake hard at the bridge, turn in on the asphalt patch and apex at the dead squirrel. My body position was good, except I kept my head in behind the windscreen, the roaming instructor would pass me, then while in front of me bang on his helmet then point out. I got the clue. I knew my head was in the right place if I felt the wind on my neck while in a corner. Overall a very good track day, I got much out of it. Fasttrax gets two thumbs up. They create a positive family atmosphere, encourage growth and learning while ensuring everyones safety. No action pics, but some of the SV at the track, and my chicken-stripless tires.
  14. Looks like I mis read it, thanks for clearing that up.
  15. Update. Signed up for: 7 July Mid Ohio LED Twilight 25 Aug Mid Ohio LED Twilight 24 Sep Mid Ohio Full Day + Garage. 22, 23 is the AMA races... SO I will get a hotel room for the weekend 21 - 23. Watch the Suzuki superbike cup, I mean AMA superbike races on sat and Sunday, then track day on Monday.
  16. For those who define themselves with a motorcycle image this is for you! Do not turn this into a anti-Harley thread, you can do this with any motorcycle. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 6695&hl=en
  17. Hope you can represent..... I should be pimpin the S to the mava-flipin V One KAY. Else I will be scrappin peddles wif the TREK Twelve-hundie....(Bi-centennial Red/black/white). Werd to your Centrum Silver.
  18. Lets meet up at the Q steak and Lube and strike a pose. 8pm (cool off a bit) Post up so we know your coming. DO not want to miss anybody like we did last time. Twitch
  19. I locked in a spot up for the 7th of July (Saturday) twilight at mid-Ohio. Anybody else going? Only $150 bones.
  20. That sucks man... keep up the fight.....
  21. What does a fold up trailer like that in the background run now-a-days? Will it hold 2 bikes?
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