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Everything posted by TwitchMacabre

  1. http://www.sportbiketracktime.com/experience.html http://www.sportbiketracktime.com/schedule2008.html
  2. http://www.break.com/index/achmed-sings-christmas-songs.html More Achmed... This is a reposted link... so you low self esteem retards can make yourselves feel better by posting all your lame repost pictures and comments. Or point out any other errors. ENJOY!
  3. There are so many levels of hottness in this pic.... where can I begin?
  4. http://nothingtoxic.com/media/1200284923/Guy_in_Taiwan_on_a_Scooter_Gets_Horribly_Splattered I hope he lived.
  5. http://www.break.com/index/achmed-sings-christmas-songs.html this killed me.... it was a thumbnail on the left.
  6. I would SOOO buy that and put some 20" spinners on it with four 15" subs in back. Then get a hitch on it to tow my bike to the track. Werd.
  7. srry if a repost. http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=4010338725041862106
  8. Track Bodywork from Eracings. Not yet painted.
  9. Beer is nasty. I only nurse girly drinks. MUST have, an umbrella with a piece of fruit on the end. It will not have any taste of alcohol. Only exception is a long island ice tea. Cheers!
  10. You might want to find out why it is cheap. I have not been to Grattan, but when paying for track days, you usully get what you pay for. If you have not been to a track day ever. STT is the better place to start. It is much more structured. NESBA beginners can pass and do not have the structured courses throughout the day like STT. But once you are comfortable with track riding, then hit the NESBA tracks. I have done a few at Putnam dates with NESBA, good organization.
  11. So you like them both ways!? Roomers on the sport bike track forum is that managment from STT and the track are talking. Hence keep yer fingers crossed. :grin:
  12. http://www.sportbiketracktime.com/ Road America is calling for me. JANUARY 20 Moroso MSP – West Palm Bch, FL FEBRUARY MARCH 15 & 16 Barber – Leeds, AL 29 & 30 Talladega GP – Munford, AL APRIL 5 & 6 Putnam Park – Meridian, IN 12 & 13 Barber – Leeds, AL 19 & 20 Nashville Speedway – Nashville, TN 19 & 20 Pocono – Long Pond, PA “East Course†26 & 27 Autobahn – Joliet, IL "North Course" 26 & 27 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH “Special Time 2:00pm to 8:00pm†26 & 27 Carolina MSP (CMP) – Kershaw, SC MAY 3 & 4 Grattan – Belding, MI 9 & 10 Barber – Leeds, AL "Special Event" 2 Days of Riding, Lunch & 4-hour Private Viewing & Dinner in the Barber Museum Friday Evening 16 Grattan - Belding, MI "LED & PRO School" 17 & 18 Pocono – Long Pond, PA “East Course†22 Mid Ohio –Lexington, OH “Twilight LED 4:30pm to Dusk†24 & 25 BeaveRun - Wampum, PA 26 BeaveRun – Wampum, PA “LED†24 & 25 Talladega GP - Munford, AL 24 & 25 Autobahn – Joliet, IL "South Course" 31 Grattan – Belding, MI JUNE 1 Grattan - Belding, MI 2 Summit Point – Summit Point, WV “Main Course†2 & 3 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH 9 Road America – Elkhart Lake, WI 14 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH “Twilight LED 4:30pm to Dusk†14 & 15 Barber – Leeds, AL 14 & 15 GingerMan Raceway – South Haven, MI 16 GingerMan Raceway – South Haven, MI “BMW Day†23 Autobahn – Joliet, IL “Full Course†23 & 24 Road Atlanta – Braselton, GA 28 Putnam Park, Cloverdale, IN “LED with Desmo Indiana†30 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH JULY 1 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH 4 LED Grattan – Belding, MI 5 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH “Twilight LED 4:30pm to Dusk†5 & 6 Grattan – Belding, MI 5 & 6 Talladega GP – Munford, AL 12 & 13 Barber – Leeds, AL 14 & 15 Road America – Elkhart Lake, WI 19 & 20 Summit – Summit, WV “Jefferson Course†24 Mid Ohio – Lexington, OH “LED†26 & 27 Putnam Park – Meridian, IN 28 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH “Ducati Revs of Ohio†29 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH “LED†30 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH 31 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH “LED & Pro Practice†AUGUST 2 & 3 Autobahn – Joliet, IL “North Course†10 Pocono – Long Pond, PA “F-USA Course†16 & 17 Nashville Speedway – Nashville, TN 16 & 17 GingerMan – South Haven, MI "Special Event Track Fest & Rally†18 GingerMan – South Haven, MI “LED†22 Grattan - Belding, MI "LED & PRO School" 23 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH “Twilight LED†30 Autobahn – Joliet, IL “North Course†31 Autobahn – Joliet, IL “South Course†SEPTEMBER 1 Autobahn – Jolliet, IL “Full Course†1 New Jersey Motorsports Park (Thunderbolt Raceway) – Melleville, NJ 6 & 7 Blackhawk Farms – S. Beloit, IL 6 & 7 Barber – Leeds, AL 7 Pocono – Long Pond, PA “East Course†18 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH “Twilight LED - 4:30pm to Dusk" 20 Pocono – Long Pond, PA “East Course†20 & 21 Grattan – Belding, MI 20 & 21 Talladega GP – Munford, AL 22 & 23 Mid-Ohio – Lexington, OH 24 Mid Ohio – Lexington, OH “LED†27 & 28 GingerMan – South Haven, MI 27 & 28 Carolina (CMP) – Kershaw, SC 29 & 30 Mid Ohio – Lexington, OH OCTOBER 3, 4 & 5 Las Vegas Motor Speedway - Las Vegas, NV “Femmoto†4 & 5 Nashville Speedway – Nashville, TN 4 & 5 BeaveRun – Wampum, PA 11 & 12 New Jersey Motorsport Park (ThunderBolt Raceway) – Melleville, NJ 18 & 19 Homestead-Miami – Homestead, FL 25 & 26 Barber - Leeds, AL NOVEMBER 8 & 9 Talladega GP – Munford, AL 22 & 23 Carolina (CMP) – Kershaw, SC DECEMBER 7 Moroso Motorsports Park – West Palm Beach, FL 13 & 14 Jenning GP – Jennings, FL
  13. For the NESBA folks 2008 schedule is up. http://www.nesba.com/info/trackevents.aspx Right now they still have the 2007 schedule up as well... so scroll down half way.
  14. http://www.drivebluegrass.com/ I hope STT or NESBA start going to this track. (If it is finished)
  15. Will those helmets take 2 seconds off my laptimes?
  16. Anybody herd if they are going to do some Mid-Ohio short tracks? Where they buy pass the keyhole? I think that would be the hoot.
  17. Now where be these outlets? Never seen them before. Everybody runs obnoxiously loud generators.
  18. http://www.midohio.com/school.aspx April 28, 2008 (2PM-8PM) 2 day discount available for April 28-29 April 29, 2008 (2PM-8PM) May 22, 2008 (Twilight LED-4:30PM-8:30PM) NO GARAGE RENTAL June 2, 2008 June 14, 2008 (Twilight LED-4:30PM-8:30PM) NO GARAGE RENTAL June 30, 2008 2 day discount available for June 30-July 1 July 1, 2008 July 5, 2008 (Twilight LED-4:30PM-8:30PM) NO GARAGE RENTAL July 24, 2008 (LED) NO GARAGE RENTAL July 28, 2008 July 29, 2008 (LED) July 30, 2008 July 31, 2008 (LED) NO GARAGE RENTAL August 23, 2008 (Twilight LED-4:30PM-8:30PM) NO GARAGE RENTAL September 18, 2008 (Twilight LED-4:30PM-8:30PM) NO GARAGE RENTAL Look at them Juicy Twilight days!
  19. Thanks for you inputs guys. My toes are warm now. Now if only my cordless battery was charged, I could start putting on my race bodywork.
  20. Yes, it has electricity..... thank the gods for that... it would be expensive to hire some one to open and close the garage door when I leave and come home. So an electric heater will work as well as a kerosene? When I went to Lowe's, the electric ones were better priced.
  21. As I research modern kerosene heaters with the safety features, they are not dangerous (as long as you do not have a attention needing redneck saying "Hay y'all, watch this"). Statistics show a wood burning fireplace is much more likely to cause an accident. Anything costing more the $100 is bad, I am not too smart because I would rather invest in a money hole like my motorcycle than an equity building house. Oh, that idea about the carpet is a good one, not that I would carpet the whole garage, but have a section to work off of. That idea is how I like my woman. Cheap and simple.
  22. That sounds expensive. I am liking the kerosene option.
  23. Moved into a 3 bed house with a detached 2.5 garage last week. Need to do a lot of work on my bike but my foots-ies get cold. What's a good way to heat it with out spending a fortune and burning it to the ground? Luv Twitch (yes, I said foots-ies)
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