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Everything posted by TwitchMacabre

  1. This event sold out before I could get in. Anybody want to do mid-o on the 7th? It is a Twilight LED session. (4:30-8:30) I should have a space for another bike.
  2. I bought a girls car! 2007 Toyota RAV4. I named it "the grocery getter". Went to a super wal mart today and did some shopping. When I was putting some soda in the back, the soccer moms were eye-ing me with that primal need look. [/url:dad84] I should put a child seat in back even though i do not have kids for completeness.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQIqZUApYNU
  4. Track the GSXR. Parts will be much cheaper, and more available.
  5. ya, I know what you mean.... just like it is not surprising to see chicken strips on a Honda.... (oh ya, I went there tough guy)
  6. TwitchMacabre

    YO !

    One of the links I talked about http://www.nesba.com/info/intro.aspx
  7. TwitchMacabre

    YO !

    Post up if you can show up to quakersteak on thursday, 6:30. I will be there.
  8. TwitchMacabre

    YO !

    6:30 Thursday show at Quakersteak. My first track day is 18 June, it is a track day school. viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1555
  9. That sucks... hope you walked away.
  10. Looks like it will be dry, just in the upper 50's. I am going. luv Twitch
  11. You boys south of dayton (centervilllllle ect) my want to meet up early the ride to QS. QuakSt is just down the street from me so I will just show at 6:30 6:30 pm Keep an eye on the weather, right now rain is in the forcast. luv Twitch
  12. http://www.fastone.com/07asrs.htm I put down the cash for the 18 June. Anybody else going? I will driving up from Dayton the day before, stay at a cheap motel, then be at Nelson Ledges bright and early. Hit me up if you want to share resources (hotel, trailer space). If you’re creepy or stinky we still can share a hotel room, I will lock myself in the bathroom and sleep in the tub. luv Twitch
  13. I am going to be there on the 2nd as well, want to share a garage? Twitch
  14. Probably around 6:30. We can wait for ya if you are coming later.
  15. Me and a buddy are going to hang out, weather looks good. Was packed last week, they blocked off part of the parking lot to keep out the cagers. Thursday QuakerSteak by Home Depot. Twitch
  16. TwitchMacabre

    Well . .

    He will need therapy in his adulthood.
  17. TwitchMacabre

    No ride

    It is all good. I think I will pass on the ride. Twitch
  18. I am in this time for 10 am, same place Ninjanick? Dampener and brake lines are on and operational.
  19. 160mph on public streets is unsmart. At the track is a different story.
  20. I normally get about 2500-3000miles out of my rear. LOL
  21. After recent events and speculation that Satan is stalking us, we now must shorten his true name to Luci. Luci, Driver of the ShortBus
  22. I am out ... Putting new brake lines and a steering dampener on the SV at EPC racing. Only time they could get me in. Can anybody ride on Sunday?
  23. Nice meeting you fellas (speed, fusion). Those who missed it, we sat around talking about what a nut-job ninja nick was and how we should rename the town Cbus to Shortbus. (luv ya nick!... see ya Saturday)
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