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Everything posted by obesityrules

  1. they don't even punish distracted drivers and drunks for hitting a group of bikers
  2. those asking for apologies should be sat down with nanking survivors
  3. obesityrules

    No caption

    them aafes barbers really fucked ya on that one
  4. shit, just put a couple shots of beam in your pbr
  5. should have gifted them the 93.80 before they died just gotta learn the loopholes
  6. btw about 100 yards down the road on your right there is a trail leading up off the road , if you take that it will lead you to the old moonville cemetery
  7. there is not much marking the tunnel, you will pass a bridge and it will be on your left. it has not rained for a while so the stream crossing shouldnt be bad. the road leading to the tunnel is gravel. here is a google map with it marked http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Columbus,+OH&daddr=39.307842,-82.323285&geocode=FVjCYQId9okN-ylx3pC5wYk4iDEztbHP-GYy5A%3BFULKVwIdq9gX-w&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=39.311756,-82.331371&sspn=0.012518,0.021586&ie=UTF8&ll=39.560177,-82.53891&spn=0.798293,1.381531&t=h&z=10
  8. btw; dui checkpoint on 33 by 5th tonight
  9. only if you're using it to chase 151
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wV8LGP-cuY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm7sHgjwB3Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPzYBwAqRQ4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWjQU1HIn0o
  11. man you must be deep in the ghetto if all you can afford is a 1993 250 j/k
  12. seen those a couple years back, 16k for a shitty buell chopper
  13. yep, in UA they have been building sidewalks to nowhere. but they make sure to post the "putting america to work" signs around the 3-4 house length of sidewalk
  14. lol reminds me of http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7813418.stm
  15. ^ was thinking the same thing...
  16. btw this is fake, the monitors are not even plugged in. funny though
  17. 2nd angle with sound http://www.break.com/index/office-worker-meltdown-second-angle.html
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