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Everything posted by obesityrules

  1. i have done 3 chains with the cheap kit they sell on ebay; no problems. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MOTORCYCLE-CHAIN-CUTTER-BREAKER-RIVETING-RIVET-TOOL-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem255b99a300QQitemZ160450585344QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories another option would be to install it with a clip link then ride it down to a shop and have them install the rivet master link
  2. a big c clamp also works, tighten it down half way put some rim protectors on and go drink a beer. by the time you come back the bead will be loose. if not just nudge it a bit with a tire iron.
  3. oh dang son, see ya in the shower
  4. i thought the navy punchline was going to be gay sex
  5. if you are sitting in traffic the fan will eventually kick on no matter what you do to a bike. but it does take a bit longer for the fan to come on when compared to factory oil and antifreeze.
  6. i have had similar experience with water wetter +amsoil on my 750; dropped temps about 20F.
  7. obesityrules

    IMG 5302

    toe draggin left of center ftw
  8. i thought it was internet lingo for sucking dick
  9. shit man i hate to bale but i just got back from comfest; girl i was with got hit by a car ... ugg:(
  10. i was thinking 9am at the meijer gas station off 33 at diley road map
  11. they repaved 180 about 12 days a go. They might have been painting edge lines on the road, it was clear to ride last week. They also had sweeper trucks on 374 last week so it is gtg
  12. i was thinking about hitting up a quick hocking ride saturday morning, route would be 33>374>180>374>664>56>93>664>coonpath>33
  13. lol for that price you could buy a smart for two, a skyline, and a 1198s
  14. 50 tyson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM8jrvF5zYs
  15. Having owned all but Kawasaki; i would rank Honda 1st and Suzuki 3rd. this is based purely on performance, i could give a shit how cool i look riding it. And on a squidliness level, if you ride a sport bike (crotch rocket) then you are a squid .
  16. and those weren't pilot powers. check 3:30 in OPs video, dude is fucking clueless
  17. here it is trying to turn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUDvGjfuTn0&fmt=5
  18. when did Akron get all progressive? wouldn't have been an issue 5 years ago . ..
  19. for something fast i would check teleperformance, fedex, or ups.
  20. there are plenty of lead free wheel weights on the market
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