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Everything posted by redbarron77

  1. lean meat works best, and I've had it cut at Kroger, asking them to prepare it for jerky(since they cut it free). I've never used a tenderizer since my marinades have so much salt in them(Worcestershire sauce and minced garlic, or Teriyaki and garlic or salt+pepper+garlic.......I like garlic). I also to a minimum of 24 hours in the fridge to marinade, turning the bags a couple times to ensure full coverage. Drying is dependent on how much you want to chew. Pioneers would rate their jerky done "When you can break it off and stab someone", I prefer mine a bit less lethal, but make sure the moisture is low enough to prevent bacteria(leather consistency is usually a good indicator).
  2. Dehydrator or oven works fine. The big points are marinade(for as long as you can) and ensuring it is completely dried out.
  3. just got back from a 2+ week trip visiting my daughter in Bellingham, WA. Drove the RV from College Station, TX, to LA, then up the coast. Hit one mountain pass that was snowed/iced in and had to have tire chains, but no big deal there. We came back via old 101 down the coast to Pismo Beach(I always wondered why Bugs kept wanting to get there, and now I know), then hit Tombstone (so my wife could see where I spent my teenage years) and got home this past Saturday. Once I get through my 600+ work emails, and getting 3 different University systems' software upgraded for the new tax year, I should be able to get back to the important stuff...Pr0n and funny pics! I plan on throwing up some of the pics I took, but the damn job keeps getting in the way!
  4. Rode the bike at lunch.....ahhhhh....feel much better now.
  5. YAY! My LG phone just updated, and now all my Amazon music and Kindle content(pretty much the only two aps I use) need to be reconfigured and downloaded.....
  6. I just happened to look up as a car went down the road, and thought I saw a Google Street View car....it was not: http://www.techspot.com/news/62486-uber-using-google-street-view-style-mapping-vehicles.html So, if this gets uploaded, then you might be seeing my ugly face on Uber's streeview! Here comes my 15 minutes!
  7. that was one hell of a laugh! Hats off to those parents!
  8. no.....I changed employers, and for the next 4+ months am an hourly employee, so every hour I work, I get paid, but I get no sick/vacation/holiday pay....no work = no pay. It will all balance out with the extra hours I am working and the upcoming holidays, I should still end up ahead. The current Presidential Administration can pucker up, and kiss my pasty white ass with their lib-tard agenda! <time to pull my pants up to my armpits and start complainin' 'bout dat gub'ment>
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