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Everything posted by redbarron77

  1. it even says painless returns.....but he doesn't call the next day...and the number he gives out is to a bad Chinese take-out!
  2. you meet the nicest people on a Honda...
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=31&v=yyfd9aJTrzk
  4. I was Maced back in the late 80's, when it was MACE. X-mas time in a shopping mall parking lot in Tucson, AZ. Saw a lady with her arms full of bags going to her car and she dropped something, so being a nice person, I picked it up and called out to her, "Ma'am" as I was trying to catch up to her...she spun and had the mace spraying across my face before she realized it was a 90 lb white boy.... That was just as bad(due to immediately hitting the face and eyes) as being the CS gas chamber in Basic. Was the last guy in line to exit the room after removing masks, so I got the full effect. Also been tazed with a civilian stunner. My Brother-in-law managed a strip club in New Castle, and after fixing their computer I was hanging out with him and the strippers....and he had the stun gun and said "Hey, does this hurt?" and zapped me! Knocked me off the chair....just glad I didn't shit or piss myself.
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