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Everything posted by blake1221

  1. I dont see a hookers and blow option...... THIS THREAD FAILS!!!
  2. Im signing up now Can i do that with a SuperHawk?
  3. Real men must like shitty gearboxes FTMFW
  4. I'm just getting tired of the time-out chair...
  5. I'm wondering if the Junkies site has rep. Im thinking about jumping ship
  6. The real question should be how to get her to buy them for you
  7. What is that a Chinese scooter?
  8. i got a pass from ninjachick
  9. Happy Sweetest Day NinjaChick!!
  10. I like the front mounted swing arm...maybe if I hit the lottery :lol
  11. That's nothing, I'm that drunk now. I gots mad skillz
  12. Shitty turns up the heat !!!
  13. I kid Fonzie, I kid. Just doin my part to keep the dream alive
  14. I hope this thread never dies
  15. May be a repost but funny as hell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOGgdVjNnNI
  16. Is Joe on OR? If so maybe you should make MJ a moderator to sweeten the deal.
  17. My SuperHawk has a 996cc V-twin that puts out about 110hp and is a 6 speed (not bragging) if thats a SuperHawk motor they sleeved the fuck out of it and changed the tranny. And mine weighs 425 dripping wet
  18. i noticed this thread has its own forum now!!
  19. For the record i never thought that Cbrgirl or Casper deleted anything. I never bitched about this thread, just stirred the pot a little I still think this is the best thread ever.... And i think its all Fonzie's fault
  20. Im voting yes, but im sure it wont matter. Bible thumping, douches will vote it down. Ohio can not have anything cool.
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