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Everything posted by ped

  1. As much as I hate teachers and their communist agenda this is what more kids desperately need. We have been raising a bunch of spoiled self-absorbed brats who think they deserve a trophy for last place for far too long. It's time to stop coddling them. This is what you should expect when you take the Pledge out of schools.
  2. Which IS union self-entitlement bullshit. Fagbusa herp derp. No one owes you anything. Don't like it? Pick yourself up by your bootstraps and find something else to do. You're lucky we let you live in this country. And I guarantee if it's from the great Paul Ryan he's doing it for a reason....to save taxpayers THEIR money. This is no different than all those spoiled school teachers bitching for their union entitlements when he tried to put a stop to the theft last year. Fucking socialist scum.
  3. Timothy Leary even admits he was getting his LSD from the CIA as far back as 1959.
  4. Politicians lie? No way....news to me
  5. Well the next logical step is to sell your bike then isn't it.
  6. Come on guys let's have a slumber party!
  7. I'll let you touch my gun if you let me touch yours
  8. Hey bros lets pretend we have to re-populate the earth!
  9. Hey guys you wanna go out to my farm and fondle each other in a tent?
  10. Unions are anti-american. Fuck them. Hell even communist China is against them. That should tell you something. I'll keep my freedom, you keep the change.
  11. Yeah maybe he'll come on their cool sausage fest camping trip
  12. Whatever, keep going over to the junkies and talking shit about casper then claim you don't.
  13. Oh the drama! So when is Larry coming to the next totally awesome OR ride?
  14. You'r reading comprehension suggests you need to invest in better helmets. You know just because you gradeated the 6th grade doesn't mean you should stop reading them fancy books and junk.
  15. Thanks. Got an order in for some bumber stickers and t-shirts. You interested?
  16. Oh here he comes in trying to play both sides. How pathetic. You were just over at the junkies talking shit about ORDN now you'r over here trying to act all defensive for them. Weak brah.
  17. That's cause you're a fake jackass. Might want to look in the mirror sometime.
  18. Talking shit on his behalf? Kindly point to where anyone is talking for anyone else? Because I pointed out the truth of your dick nibblerness I have anything to do with Brandon? Sorry, but you're just making ohio riders look even more stupid. If I was Casper I would be embarassed of you talking for me.
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