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Everything posted by ped
Smartass, the shifter only fell off because the crew were busy all evening putting a new motor in due to a sparkplug breaking off in the head. I'd like to see what you could do in an AMA garage.
If you have such a problem with what I post why don't you go fuck yourself instead of acting like a typical OR bozo dick squeezer? That's rich. So when was the last AMA race you were in again?
Right. It's all about image so they can act like they have the moral upper hand in their next 70 page drama thread bashing the junkies. Only the most vain, narcissistic twat couldn't see through it. Exactly..
Fascinating. That means: captivating: inspiring a great interest or attraction Of course you're not pumpkin.
Wow and you called him two faced and back peddling
You mean like bashing him and his race shop?
What you're not understanding about that is the voltage monitoring is to switch between absorbtion and float voltage thru the feedback loop. It will always put out at least 13.2v (float) continuously. That's what a float charge means, a constant charge. That is where the problem comes in with AGM batteries. They don't lose their voltage like a flooded cell does. So the microprocessor in that unit never is utilized because all it does is switch between absorbtion, which is when the battery gets below a set voltage, say 12.55v, and float. The AGM will never need absorbtion (or float for that matter). Your bikes battery will lose the same charge in 12-14 months as a FLA will in one month. So this thing just sits there putting in a constant 13.2v charge for months on end to a battery that is not self-discharging. Your battery not only doesn't need it, but is very sensitive and easily damaged by over-charging because they're sealed. Not only all of that, but AGM's have much less internal resistance further exacerbating the issue. So what happens? Well you get the vast majority of people claiming 1-3 years real world lifespan on a battery that should at least be going 8-10 years. You don't find it odd so many peoples batteries are dying prematurely? http://www.batteryspec.com/html/ChargingInformation.html
You just said you've been selling them for 10 years. So when exactly is the last time you didn't use a tender? If your bike isn't starting in the spring did it ever occur to you that something is wrong with your electrical system? Did you have a flooded cell battery the last time you went without a tender? If it's been 10 years like you imply then you probably did. Those type of batteries need a tender. But we're not talking about those here, we're talking of sealed batteries. No one is saying anything bad about tenders. What's being said is that AGM's are very distinct from old style FLA's that haven't been used in bikes for over ten years. You're not getting the WHY you don't need to use or should not use tenders on modern batteries. Again it's very basic. -Flooded cells self-discharge at about 15% per month. Sealed batteries self-discharge about 1-3% per month. A battery tender is not needed. -If they boiled electrolyte they cannot be replenished with distilled water. They're sealed. Flooded batteries MUST gas to reach full charge. They gas under float charging. That is fine because you merely add water every year or two. AGM's cannot have water added so they are extremely sensitive to over-charging. AGM's are what is termed "valve regulated." They don't gas unless they are extremely over-charged. Once they start to gas, usually at 5psi, they are done for because they cannot be opened and replenished. That is what is happening when all these people's batteries fail in a year or two. They're not short-circuting. We know this because they will have a 12.7v+ reading but will not crank the bike. If they are shorted internally they would read 10.5v. This isn't the case. Just ask the next time a thread is started about a dead battery. You're paying high dollar for these batteries because they are "maintenance free." You just posted a link to FLA's. That is not what you have in your bike. It's the primary point here. You have sealed AGM in you bike. Not only did you prove you're totally out of you league here, but your link stated exactly what I just said. Flooded cell's lose 4% charge per week....that's why they need a tender. Your batteries lose about 1-3% per month or about 10-15X less. Exactly why are you putting it on a float charger? What's the point in that? Seriously I want you to explain to me exactly your reasoning of putting it on a tender.
No. Sitting kills lead acid batteries not sealed ones. Overcharging with a battery tender kills sealed batteries. That's why everyone is only getting a few years from them. Sealed batteries can sit a LONG time and not self-discharge. That's why they make good UPS batteries. Their rate of discharge is about 10x less than traditional batteries. On the other hand you will sulfate them if you try to charge them too much like with a battery tender. It assumes you're charging a lead acid battery that 1. needs a higher float charge voltage, and 2. loses 15% capacity monthly. A traditional flooded battery is not harmed by over-charging. It merely gasses electrolyte. A gel cell or AGM cannot do that. It kills me to see every spring 20 threads started about a dead battery that is "only a year old and kept on a tender all winter....I don't know what happened to it' Here's a hint, throw a voltmeter on you AGM and note is stays at 12.7v-12.8v for 18 months... especially in the cold. So stop charging the damn things, you're destroying them. That's why yours didn't last. Premature failure due to sulfation. 6 years isn't something to brag about...
yuns got shinko's?
damn serpent owns this thread
if WWI was a bar fight...
yes, politics is bullshit. and politicians dont really care about values because their voter base doesnt. and thats all that matters. if you notics the psuedo-two parties we have only go back and forth on what piece of the consitution they care about while the rest can be used for some nice toilet paper. what we have to choose from today are which ones wont shit on the liberty or two you care about the most. as for paul being a liberal, yes that exactly what he his. in any other country he would be called a liberal democrat. but we bastardize words in the great orwellian fashion that they basically have no meaning. freemarket capitalism for instance is utter liberalism at its absolute. liberalism is what founded this country, it is its very nature. liberalism means gun ownership as much as it means religious freedom. but nowadays the supposed morons that support capitalism as their second religion have confused it with fascism where corporations and bankers control from the top down.
its funny if you know people EXACTLY like that.
wow ron paul is basically a liberal in disguise. what a traitor. "principles" dont hold water over propaganda R-Paul, get with the program. now tow the lineor else...
heres my $45 a month DSL. 1994 here i come!!!!
good shit there! never heard of Bohren & Der Club of Gore. me likey, thanks.
wonder if they're apart of the Lord's Resistance Army. a militant christian group that kidnaps little girls from boarding schools and makes them fight and kill at gun point. http://uganda.suite101.com/article.cfm/the_plight_of_child_soldiers i seriously wouldn't doubt it.
1990? sheesh you're old. i thought we were all in 7th grade right now....
pony boy gonna whip sum socs ass!!! yeah, wooo whooo.
i used to live in a really shit part of town. i mean a total ghetto, but rent was cheap. i had off-street parking though. there was a problem with the locals just walking up in my driveway and hanging out or acting suspicious. so whenever i would catch them i would politely show them the end of my barrel from the window of my second floor apartment and explain that they're on private property and need to leave. worked very well!
and when we all make $30 a year like the chinese, maybe, just maybe we might start to see through supply side bullshit. or will profit margins not be enough then either? but hey as long as theres some rich suckers in some other country to buy we're good! because we sure wont be able to ourselves. seeing as how workers are the number one consumers of products and all. also its kinda ironic to be talking about the army corps short comings in new orleans right now dont ya think?
thats enough for me. i can take a hint. god hate christians, got it.
racism is a money making game. gotta find some sort of controversy every now and then to keep it alive.