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Everything posted by kenny

  1. And not from cold. "Someone comes.." I snarled, teeth digging into the black nose. "My Masters must wait for a time.." By then Fa'Akl had stepped into the arena. "Isskem, are you alright?" I lifted the creature up by it's robe. "This came by the window.. It wants to bed me." I looked at it, as a wife studies a fish she intends to purchase.. Winked at my friend. "It will do.. Clean it up, will you Wizard?" The assassin gasped as I slammed my paws into his stomach, then laid him out with a double-handed hammer blow to his chin. He jerked straight up, then fell, quite out cold. I grinned, and patted the robed shoulder, leaving the arena.
  2. Shove as he might, the blade got no closer. I moved the poisoned thing slowly away, twisting it none to gently.. Then sprang back. For the better part of a half-mark, I crossed swords with the being.. Then flung my blade away. "Come. Kill me If Thou Canst!" The bruin was no idiot, he circled me warily, feigning a few times. I simply kept my face turned to his. "Coward! Take Thy Shamed Face and Untouched Arse Elsewhere.. Killer of fleas!" His scream was quite loud for one muzzled so. I waited until the last moment.. Then step-sided his reckless charge, and slammed my paw into his nose, sliding the other down to slap the sword from nerveless fingers. The assassin hit the ground, his weapon flying off to one side. I knelt and ripped the mask off him. A muzzle of white greeted me. I lifted the head up, holding onto his paws. "Good Day, Mortal.." He gulped.. "The one whose body I now inhabit thinks you are pretty.." I growled in an ear. The creature shuddered, but lay in my grasp. "My lust is for your soul, Not your body.. Although..." A paw slid down to grab his crotch, He turned paler, as I grinned raggedly. tapping his anus with a claw. Footsteps came as I pressed my muzzle against the creature who was now shivering..
  3. This was to honor of the flat of the blade. Now the play became more serious. Two, Three, Four opponents.. Each bent on my life. The other side of the sword was honored. The tip, cutting and stabbing. The edge lopping and shearing.. Of a sudden my imaginary opponent became real! The dark-clad being stood, lifted his blade to me. I returned the greeting. "To the Blood, To the Death, or To the Caress.." The ears twitched inside the cowl. "Caress?" I nodded. "Whoever grabs the other's butt first loses.." The assassin growled. "Bastard!" I shrugged.. "I have no idea if Isskem's parents were mated when he was born." That stopped him for a moment.. Then he continued forward. "A Bet.. if I win, I get a night with your intact body.. The Questioners leave very little together. If you win, you leave alive, and untouched.." He stood a moment. Then a swift movement - My blade moved as fast, flicking the dart to one side. "You will have to do better than that to earn your gold.." The creature lifted a coated blade from a sheath on his back. "I have the reach.. You have the poison.. Shall we dance?" I stepped towards the creature. He moved his blade up, then thrust at my foot. My paw met his, holding the tip a claws-width away from me.
  4. "Plotting behind my back, eh? Well, I have news for you.. All the love philters in the kingdom are safely locked up in a chest.. In My Room!" He laughed. "No need for such things.. When one's ardor and talent with one's paws are the talk of the court.." I poured cold water over my head. Shook like a dog.. "Is that good or bad?" He looked thoughtful.. "Both. But have no worry.. Many is the male who would like to climb in Your bed.." Another thought.. "And females?" He started. "Yes, Females. I doubt you make cubs by sticking your dick in a piece of clay." He nodded. "I'm not.. Married, am I?" The wizard looked a me.. "Married? Oh, Mated. No.. Do you wish to be?" I shook my head violently. "Not unless it is a part of the office.. Then I think I shall let my cubs look like You.." I tapped the furry chest. He grinned, and gave me a two-handed sword. "I shall return in a candle-mark." I nodded. Then stood in the middle of the sparring area. As I lifted the sword, going through the motions, I became one with the blade. One body, one mind. Other blades parried, other weapons removed. Heads and paws were slapped. Knuckles rapped.. Death did not stride with me. Only instruction..
  5. By now it was clear to most everybody Isskem had been spirited away, And somebody new sat in the throne. And very few of the Haan objected.. Those that did found themselves in another Han.. The General who was my SwordCommander, grunted as I slid my paw along his thigh. "Dammit male! Can you not keep your mind on the business.. At.. Ha..." My sword, still sheathed, pressed against the furry throat. I gave the gray muzzle a smooch. "If I do what you expect, You would beat my tail off.." He growled. "If in the midst of a tryst, I grab your nuts, Which will be more important to you.. Where my sword is, or where my paw is?" He growled again. "Yes, such tactics are below a Knight.. But I like my head on my shoulders. And I intend to Keep it there.." Such logic is hard to argue with. We sparred again, and I kept my dirty tricks to a minimum. "You will never make The Order Of The Sword This way.." His disgust was obvious. Fa'Akl barely kept the grin off his face. I nodded, and bowed to the General. Siguh looked puzzled. Looked even more so when a paw tugged at his robe.. "Return as fast as you can, And stay out of sight.. You may learn something." I gave my 'toy' to the Wizard.
  6. Some time later, he noticed a familiar body shuffle out of the chamber. "Lubeg.. Haven't seen you since last Feasting." The creature turned.. He looked like he had been assaulted by a pack of horny Thids. "Are you alright?" A giggle.."My ass hasn't ached like this since the day I took on half the tower guards.. If his liege wishes me, I shall be in a warm bath." And turning he moved gingerly down the hall. "A free mouthing to any male who can give a good massage.." The guard suppressed a chuckle. So.. 'Insatiable' finally got more than enough. His butt still felt the claws digging into it. His ear was warm from the lick.. Damn! His dick-shield was getting tight.. Perhaps Isskem, or whoever it was inside that body, could be persuaded in letting a guard watch him sleeping. For his own protection, of course..
  7. I could do it again... Nah. I stroked his sweaty chest, ruffling the fur on his stomach. All I got was a groan. I pulled the rest of the way out, and went over to a basin, cleaning myself off.. Splashed a cup over my head. That felt good! Making sure the scribe still breathed, I slipped a robe on, and after pressing muzzles for a moment, gave one last lick to his cock, balls, and not-so gentle bite on the abused butt-cheeks. Upon opening the door, I found a guard.. Who snapped to when he saw me. "Good day, Sire.." I grabbed a pawful of muscular butt and squeezed. "Mmmm.. Much more like it!" The bear who was standing at attention, got a little stiffer in his armor. "S.. Sire?" I crooked a claw, and as he bent, slid my tongue along the rim of his triangular ear. "Cubs tire too easily.. Give me a Strong Male with a firm ass you can chew on for days!" I grabbed the plate that shielded his genitals. "And a good pawful of balls to fondle.." Then I shook my head, and straightened my robe. "Carry on.." Giving the now thoroughly confused guard a Fatherly pat on the shoulder, I walked down the corridor, nodding as if listening to a conversation.
  8. Grinning down at him, I stroked the heaving sides, and took the animal for a ride! Pounding his ass unmercifully. Using corkscrew motions to go as deep as possible.. Sometimes I hunched over him, locking my hind legs and twisting him up in a crescent. My cock moved but little laterally, but since I used his butt like a wheel's axle hub, grinding my crotch into it well, He howled like I was hammering him. At other times I did use the technique of 'Piledriving'.. Pulling all the way out, to slam back in to the hilt. It takes a good sense of aim, and a very slick passage.. At the Last, I was rocking his cradle.. Using my body to pull, then push his hips, creating a motion like a rocking chair's runner. I shoved my head against his chest, feeling him grab my arms. Orgasm burned through my spine, as I flooded the male's guts with spunk. My ear was bitten, and claws raked my head. His ragged moan echoed in my skull. I flopped on top of him, spent. Neither of us moved for some time. Then I lifted my sweaty pelt off the being, and turned to lie on my side. I looked over the creature, mouth half-open, one leg flung over mine.. I was still half-buried in his ass. I felt him give a twitch, as I gave a tentative thrust..
  9. Then I found out they would pay me to do things to them." His growl was pure lust. "Not always in coin.. Sometimes it was a meal. Or an important friend with pull, and a fondness for having his nuts nuzzled under a table.. I have sat in many a banquet, And never saw the Faces of who was there. Crawling from one lap to another, I sucked, and jerked everything that was male.. Sometimes one of them would get on their knees, so they could butt-fuck me, claws digging into my ass." He moaned, bouncing on my pole. "But you blushed.. Acted like one who wasn't sure.." A nod. "Some of my 'clients' prefer the 'Virgin Cub' routine.. Other like me Wanton and lusty.." He growled and hunched against me. "I wasn't sure What you wanted.." He growled as I held him still for a moment. "But now, I don't have to act horny.. I Love Big Cocks!" Hmmm... "What would you say to my grabbing your ankles, and putting you in your back, so I can fuck you the way you would like?" His eyes went wide as I grabbed his feet, crossed them and using my body weight, rolled us over. He threshed around a moment, then calmed down when I shoved his legs over my shoulders.
  10. His shrinking penis was allowed out of my mouth, but not without a good stropping with my tongue.. He grabbed my head, and jerked it down to his, growling "Bugger me, Male! I am not a cub who will howl in pain.. Unless this is what you prefe.. *Mmmpf*" I pinned his head to the sheets with my own. Then growled in his ear. "Be glad for what you get, Whelp.. Lest I pull out completely, and make you use your claws to pleasure yourself!" The only problem with That threat was I the fact I happened to be kneeling over him. So it was with no real effort the bruin unseated me, then flipped me onto my back! Before I could so much as gasp, he had sat down in my lap.. With a grunt, the male engulfed me to the thick root. The animal leaned over, moving his legs, riding my hips. "I have had longer ones.. And I have had bigger ones... But never such a combination has worked my ass before.." I looked somewhat shocked. "Did you think you were the first?" He leaned over and gave me an expert kiss. "If I tried to live on my salary as a Scribe, I would have starved long ago." He rotated his hips, sliding his claws over my chest. "When I was but a half-grown Cub, I noticed certain males found interest in my body.
  11. Moving my jaws slowly together, I worked my maw towards it's target.. At last the balls were resting under my tongue, and the cock was totally buried in my snout. I inhaled the scent of wet fur, and swallowed.. The male gasped then yelped, throat muscles pulling on what cock they could get ahold of. I found the air passages through my nostrils were unblocked, and I inhaled slowly, sucking at first gently. Then more wantonly.. And finally I pulled his soaking nuts out of my mouth, grabbed a double-pawful of furry ass, and nursed on him like I hadn't eaten in a week! Up, down, Around.. I gobbled that cock like a crazed being. My own pole found an entrance under the stubby tail, and gave it a wet, sloppy nudging. "Ohhhh! Hump Me, Lord! Stick your dick in my assss.." I pulled the cheeks apart, and slowly allowed the thick thing to slide into the bear-like male. Then cum poured into my stomach, and his anus fluttered, sucking half my pole through it.. Not wanting to split him open, I pulled back, plowing in only the same amount each time. The scribe squirmed, and wriggled. He snarled at me, demanding I sheath my sword to the hilt in his scabbard, but I refused.
  12. His erection was so hard it smacked my palm, when I swatted it. Grasping it firmly, I kissed the male. He moaned, raking his claws along my sides. I moved my mouth to torture the hard nipples, sliding my paw along the slick penis. The creature dug his paws into the sheets, as I nibbled and licked on the other fleshy bump. When he seemed ready to jump out of his skin, I lifted my head and nuzzled the seeping cock-tip. Lapped all the sweet residues off it. I butted the head against my lips, and jacked on him. He groaned, gasped, shoving his hips up in an attempt to force the tip past my closed lips. I kissed it, claws wrapping around one butt-cheek. Now he really made noise! Holding him firmly, I continued to lap on the lollipop.. He came, semen jetting upwards, to hit the roof of my mouth, as I aimed the firehose at my open maw. More squirted over my tongue, pressed tightly against the pulsating flesh. Then I lost it.. I engulfed the entire bruin's groin. My upper fangs dug into his stomach, while a lower one snagged his ass-hole. He screeched, pressing both paws against my muzzle, hind paws digging in vain at the covers. My tongue painted the mouthful with saliva, until it was well-coated.
  13. I looked at the mess, then tapped the scribe's paw. "Did you get whatever I said?" He shook his head. "What did I say, Wizard?" "You were discussing sharing your lunch with the scribe.." The being, barely old enough to called grown, blushed deeply. "He is cute.. Don't you think so? Yes.. I think I shall share him. Or was that lunch.." I grinned idiotically. "Wizard, Please take care of the arrangements.." He bowed to me and took the scribe by the paw. Whispered a while to him. That one nodded.. Looked back at me, as I licked my paw clean.. Nodded again. The Wizard then left. The bruin closed the door, making sure it was bolted. He also shut the window, locking it.. Then draped his robe on a chair. He did have a nice body.. He sat on the bedside, nuzzling my arm as I fondled him. I looked around.. "No tray, Eh? Well, It looks like I shall have to eat You for lunch.." The bruin tried to pull away, and was tossed full onto the bed. I bit the furry butt, working it between my jaws. It's owner squealed, as I chewed on the other cheek. Finally, I grabbed a shoulder, and turned the animal over.
  14. When I came to my senses some days later, my head was just out of the bandages. I had fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book - Pull the rug out from under your feet... The Semi-Official word was I had come close to being assassinated. And only the combined strengths of my Wizard, and my Commander First kept me alive. The creature had somehow gotten away.. The Haar were warned I may not be whole. But I pulled through. My first order was to get rid of Sihf. He went to another Lord who would keep him well beaten. I sat in bed, looking at the scribe, who was taking my morning commands. "Wizard, I seem to have a blank spot.. How are the servants fed?" The scribe looked up at me shyly. "When all others in the castle have their fill, then The servants eat. Then what is left from them is given to the peasants.." I picked up a fruit. Crushed it, so the pulp ran down my arm. "An edict - From now on all food is to be divided into shares. A equal share to all.. And I do Mean ALL who reside in the Har. Perhaps a bit more for the sick, elderly, and cubs.." The scribe forgot to write. I flung the stuff in my paw against a wall. "That for aristocracy.. They are like parasites.. Eating their host to death, while contributing Nothing!"
  15. "Does your head hurt?" Trick question? "If cut, will you bleed?" I lifted my paw.. Red was on it from a small wound. "Your sword is sharp, Commander. My compliments." He nodded. "You are one of us, In body if not in Soul.." The Wizard held his paws to my head. "Heal.. You are mortal. And All mortals make mistakes.. We learn by them. The only True sin is to Not learn from our mistakes.. For we are then doomed to repeat them." Then he grinned. "Besides.. The only way out of The office, HaarKeeper is by ShieldBearer.. Care to die a second time?" I shook my head. Then grinned myself. "Alright. But I will need help.. Say I have come down with something.. Fell in the bath and hit my head... Perhaps you should not have healed that wound so fast.. I need an excuse to have you two give me council.. No Thanks!" I jumped back, as the Commander waived his sword. Then.. "Hey!"
  16. I jerked him up. Drug him to the window. "They.." I flung my paw outward. ".. are the People! Those whose backs break so we may sit and finger each other's cocks. Those who go hungry while More food is wasted daily in stupid games.." I turned, and took the offered towel. Dried myself well. "We are but caretakers for those who Truly own the land.." Siguh again had his sword out. "You are Not Isskem.." I watched, wary, but instead of trying to stab me, He knelt, laying it at my feet. "Once before I did this pledging body and soul to the Keep.. But not to it's Ruler." He placed the blade to his forehead. "But now I do so.. Mind. Body. Soul.. All are yours to do with as you wish, Lord and Keeper of The Haar..." The Wizard was also on bended knee. I lifted them both up. "Then I abdicate.." They both fell on their furry butts, too startled for words. "I am not Isskem.. I have no more right to rule than this tub does.." I gave the metal thing a smack. "I have no experience in governing.. The only thing that guides me is my Master's Teachings.. My empathetic abilities, and what few morals I have not as yet compromised.. I am not even one of you." I got smacked by the flat of a sword.
  17. "Was it always like this?" I said when I lay in a tub of heated water, digging a peel out of my ear. The Wizard nodded. "Why the frown?" "I feel hunger.." I growled softly, pointing out the window. "Someplace out there, beings have no food. And I saw enough to feed a good-sized village ruined.." I put my muzzle in my paws. Sighed.. Then stared into a pair of puzzled eyes. "Good Day, Commander. Change your mind about my offer to lap wine off your balls? Or come to scrub my back. And perhaps stab it.." He growled. "Since when did The HanWelder care how much food was wasted, or if Peasants starved?" Almost before he could react, I was out of the tub and had a pawful of cloth, twisting it, along with some chest fur. Thrusting his muzzle against mine, I stared into his widened eyes. "When you can listen to the cries of a starving child, And not care; Look upon a female who would willingly give herself to feed her family, and see only a whore; Sneer at a male begging crumbs.. Then you are truly Dead!" I growled. "Who does the Han belong to?" If it was possible, he looked even more startled. "The Han belongs to The Haan.. The People." Water made a puddle under our feet. "And Who are The People?" "We are the People.."
  18. I dipped a paw in the mingled cock-juices and lapped it off.. "Remind me to tell the Cook I would like some of this for The Massmaae Feast.." Dripping decadence, I left the chamber. Fa'Akl showed me the way to the Eating room. At least the meal was normal.. For a war. More food was worn than was eaten. I ducked a joint of something as it sailed past.
  19. The eagerness to please, coupled with his love/hate/fear of me.. Just as the Guards expected to see a fop when they came running, so I was one. His tongue flicked over my cock. Paws gripped my legs. "Master test Sihf. Sihf know Master.." I shoved my erection down his throat. The creature swallowed it to the sheath. "Hurry, Slave.. I hunger.." He wrapped his arms around my hips, fingers clawing at my ass. Again, I got a mental image.. I jerked my dick out, and lifting his legs, thrust the wet pole into his ass. He squirmed. Shuddered.. Actually trilled when I pounded his butt into the stone.. Yanked it out of even That orifice. A few pulls on the overheated flesh did the trick.. Cum matted feathers between his chest and crotch. He grabbed the firehose, taking the last spurts in his mouth. Then cleaned it well with his tongue.. I mashed the sticky stuff into his body, dipping a cum-soaked claw between his legs. A smallish penis appeared. My claws stroked it, tweaked the spiral cone. He shuddered, adding to the morass with his own semen. I pulled free and stood. His eyes shone with love.. "I Still need a robe.." He scrambled up and quickly dressed me. "And clean up.. You are a mess."
  20. Simpering arrogance. A small creature who looked like nothing I had yet seen scampered in. "Ah, Sihf.. It's about time. What would I look good in today?" The feathered being made for the wood closet. "Anything you wear would look splendid, Sire.." I patted the head. My paw held the beak tightly closed. "Wait until we are alone.." A shudder went through the animal. "Wizard.. Please Shut the door behind you. I shall have to talk to the Smith about putting another bolt on it.." More s******s came from behind the wooden door as it closed. My other paw stroked down the back, finding many semi-healed scars. "He put those there.." I looked down into pools of terror. Without letting go of his mouth, I knelt. "Isskem is dead.. I am Isskem. I am also Shadow. If I let go of you, can you keep silent?" A ghost of a nod. I let go.. The scream came out of his nostrils, as I re-clamped claws around his beak. Then slapped him so hard he twisted out of my grasp and sprawled onto the floor. I re-knelt shoving his face into my crotch. I didn't care for S/M myself, but that's what he wanted.. If I correctly read what was oozing from every feathered pore.. Besides lust, that is.
  21. I slapped the back, watching the skin ripple under my paws. I rubbed my crotch against the furry mounds for a moment.. Then flipped him again. Shoved my claws into his mouth, and stood up, the creature following my paw. Before he could bite my fingers, I reversed them, shoving down on his tongue.. The jaws sprang open, as they tried to dislodge the object. "I give you your sword back.. However, if you Ever threaten me again.. I will shove it, still sheathed, up your ass, Stuff the hilt into your mouth.. And roll you down the hall!" I pulled my fingers free and kissed him, digging wet claws into his butt. "And I shall want That Later.." Then I turned and retrieved the sword. About that time a half-dozen guards decided to shown up. My eyelids went droopy. "Siguh was showing me a few new sword thrusts.. But this is so tiresome." S******s quietly came from a couple of them.. "Perhaps later Commander, when I do not feel so.. Bored." I dropped the sword so he had to jump to keep his feet intact. "And do get some clothes on.. We are late for eating as it is.." I snapped a pair of claws together. "Wizard.. Please find out What happened to my Royal Robekeeper.. He should have been here by now.." A sigh. "And what are all you gawking at? Out, Out, Out.."
  22. Slid them apart as my teacher had shown me. I was now ShadowWalker, Master of Mist. My arms came up in the Attacking Dragon stance. Upper lip curling in a grimace horrifying enough to turn a weaker being to stone, I snarled "If Thou canst kill Me, Thine Ass is Mine!" Then leapt at the animal, jumping to one side as the sword slit the air where I should have been. My left arm wound itself around his, jerking it up. Slamming my right paw against the back of his head, I swept his legs out from under him. He lay full on the ground, arm resting against my knee. His other paw was holding my claws off his neck.. Just. I leaned over the bruin. "Lift your sword, And I break your arm.. Lift your paw and I strangle you.. Do you surrender?" He struggled a moment as I pressed my muzzle to his.. "Lift your ass, and I'll nibble on your nuts.." Then tried to stab at me with the blade. I jerked him up, and smashed my paw into his muzzle, dislocating the shoulder. His head hit the ground, nose bleeding. I took the blade from his claws and tossed it onto the bed. "Heal." I said, slapping my paws to his snout. The trickle of crimson stopped. Lifting the Commander, I rolled him onto his stomach. Straddled the furred hips. "Heal."
  23. He winced again as I brushed against his penis. Hmmm.. I grabbed the tube of red and purple flesh. "Heal!" I commanded it. To my surprise and delight, the welts and tooth marks disappeared, leaving healthy skin. "Well done.." A reddish being stood in the doorway. Hatred burned in his eyes.. Dripped from his words. His name was Siguh, Keep Commander. "... Whoever or Whatever the hells you are." He finished. Something hit me.. "Why did you kill the one whose body I now inhabit?" As one who suddenly remembers something he had forgotten long ago, I felt a rush of energy as a lifetime of training returned.. He didn't even look startled. "For the good of the Keep.." The Wizard looked at us like a man who finds out 2 friends, whom he has known for years, are actually foreign spies.. "If your hatred was any stronger, you would turn to ashes. But no matter. You have accomplished what you set out to do.. I am no more Isskem than you are." That threw him a moment. "No, I have only half completed the job.." He drew out a short sword. "I have to kill his body.. Which has been somehow bewitched by the one who shall shortly follow you back to hell.." I waived the Wizard to one side. Then clasped my paws.
  24. I sighed. "Do you have humans here?" He shook his head. "Then you read minds.." My head was lifted up and kissed again. "Only partially.. You didn't act like a HanWelder. And I know Isskem was killed last night.. Or so my sigils said. So When I came in expecting to find a scared cub clinging to a dead body, imagine my surprise when I find a very much alive being instead.. Almost shook my faith in magic." He picked himself off the floor, and tossed me a fruit. I smelled it.. "I hope these aren't poisoned.. I would hate to think I murdered the little one.." He stopped in mid-bite. "That is another thing Isskem would not have said." I shrugged. "I can't change a lifetime of experiences in a few minutes.. The body may be different, but the mentality is the same.. So what do I do?" I ate, was shown what to do with the pit (Toss it out the window and see of you can hit somebody), and found out about bathrooms. Actually it was a stone chimney that went down to a place where the dung was collected and used as fertilizer. I was glad to have a furry butt.. Those rocks were Cold! "Well.. There are still a few options open to us.."
  25. After that I hollowed my cheeks, sucking wantonly on the digit. Lapped at it, imagining it a cock.. My paws stroked the furry arm, as I slid my snout over the finger. Fa'Akl pulled his claw free with difficulty. Growled as he shook the soaked appendage. "Alright, alright.." He allowed me to move back to where I was before. The red penis had purplish marks where I had bitten into it. I kissed them gently. A thought.. "I am.." "Yes?" Hmm.. I licked on the testicles. "Ball Kisser?" And shoved them into my mouth, doing things to the sweaty sack with my tongue in retaliation. When they had swelled to twice their size, I let them drop into a paw. "Dick-Licker.." Ah.. "Walker in Shadows.." I snarled, shoving his hips up and my mouth down, swallowing the huge cock to the sheath. Both sets of claws kneaded the furry ass, as I slurped on the fleshy pole. The wizard didn't last long either.. Cum poured down my throat, as he yelped. I swallowed, milking him good.. Paws lifted my muzzle up again, but this time more slowly. "For starters, Isskem would never have done what you just did." I gave the abused flesh a lick. "Oh, he would occasionally suckle on a maleness.. But not with such abandon, or with the enjoyment you show so openly.."
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