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Everything posted by kenny

  1. That, and like you, he ruined a FD.
  2. kenny

    Monday FTL

    I'll be there around 4:30 or some shit, Howard said he's working an 11 or 12 hour day so he probably won't be around until 7 at the earliest I would guess. Which reminds me: all of my pint glasses aren't over there yet.
  3. I thought about buying a 848... then I got student loan bills.
  4. kenny

    Can you type....?

    I miss having an ergonomic keyboard. I can't even find one I like, I'm a Nazi when it comes to keyboards. These days all you can find is the media (read: retard) keyboards. The one I'm using right how has a refresh button directly above F5. Fail.
  5. kenny

    Monday FTL

    I get double time and a half so it's all good.
  6. 。 sknaht.lol.drah面向對象技術etah tnod esaelp旅館srac arboc東隧催產素文美商業dna.taerg電子商務dluow esivda ynA ?悌說州市路? yellup rewolb 1 tsuj sediseb迪恩字母i起始其他tahw osla的DNA ? retfa產品第2 yellup retteb東隧為烯醇市tahw os.yllup regrahcrepus rellams一多哈發展議程加時賽tnaw i.hctulc dedargpu的DNA , krow tsuahxe sediseb.won kcots hcum yteerp市外消旋明閣 。 sarboc實習記者蘇國華ü為emos旺克字母i dnA.snoitseuq明第2 rewsna東隧dnif催產素米氏tnac的DNA setis rehto的斯托爾gnikool neeb沒有證據的DNA男鹿shtnom世界經濟論壇1 arboc 40 thguob字母i syug高
  7. I prefer to call it "tacticool", also known as gun rice.
  8. OK guys i bought a 04 cobra a few months ago and ive been looking on lots of other sites and cant seem to find the answer 2 my questions.And i know some of u own cobras. ok my car is preety much stock now.besides exhaust work,and upgraded clutch.i want to add a smaller supercharger pully.so what is one of the better pulley 2 go after?and also what else do i need besides just a blower pulley?or is that it?Any advise would be great.and again im new to the cobra cars so please dont hate too hard.lol.thanks.
  9. kenny

    Can you type....?

    There is a reason J and F have raised points on them... Looking is for newbies. /nerd
  10. kenny

    Monday FTL

    I get to work on turkey day, I think I'll end up at Jimmy V's on S. High that night to watch football - at least that's what I did last year.
  11. I'm sure I could point out about a million more with pics of the "fitment" on the sides and rear. 99 spec is the only way to go. If I ever build a LSx FD that will be what I do.
  12. kenny

    Monday FTL

    The Cindy bar, where Kenny gets really, really, really drunk because she pulls the Hotel California on me every time I go there. You going tonight Mike? I would assume I am... dunno about Howard.
  13. .sknaht.lol.drah oot etah tnod esaelp os srac arboc eht ot wen mi niaga dna.taerg eb dluow esivda ynA?ti taht si ro?yellup rewolb a tsuj sediseb deen i od esle tahw osla dna?retfa og 2 yellup retteb eht fo eno si tahw os.yllup regrahcrepus rellams a dda ot tnaw i.hctulc dedargpu dna,krow tsuahxe sediseb.won kcots hcum yteerp si rac ym ko .sarboc nwo u fo emos wonk i dnA.snoitseuq ym 2 rewsna eht dnif ot mees tnac dna setis rehto fo stol no gnikool neeb evi dna oga shtnom wef a arboc 40 a thguob i syug KO
  14. kenny

    Monday FTL

    Girls don't poop, dude.
  15. OK guys i bought a 04 cobra a few months ago and ive been looking on lots of other sites and cant seem to find the answer 2 my questions.And i know some of u own cobras. ok my car is preety much stock now.besides exhaust work,and upgraded clutch.i want to add a smaller supercharger pully.so what is one of the better pulley 2 go after?and also what else do i need besides just a blower pulley?or is that it?Any advise would be great.and again im new to the cobra cars so please dont hate too hard.lol.thanks.
  16. kenny

    Monday FTL

    Is there even a Bob Evans around here? That place rocks.
  17. Just from the low quality sig pic, Hood doesn't line up even all the way across, the gap is larger at the middle than the edges. Fender doesn't meet up with bumper correctly - look at the line by the driver side headlight. Fail.
  18. kenny

    Monday FTL

    lunch at 11 or lunch at 1
  19. Yet their body panels still fit better. Isn't that a mother fucker.
  20. OK guys i bought a 04 cobra a few months ago and ive been looking on lots of other sites and cant seem to find the answer 2 my questions.And i know some of u own cobras. ok my car is preety much stock now.besides exhaust work,and upgraded clutch.i want to add a smaller supercharger pully.so what is one of the better pulley 2 go after?and also what else do i need besides just a blower pulley?or is that it?Any advise would be great.and again im new to the cobra cars so please dont hate too hard.lol.thanks.
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