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Everything posted by kenny

  1. kenny

    Martini Park

    how much blow did you do when you rolled out of bed? the bitch isn't hot. she's like 90lbs and covered in freckles. she may have been hot in 2002, but that was 6 years ago... cocaine is a hell of a drug
  2. We need to make the age limit on CR 21, unless Kenny says otherwise.
  3. kenny

    92 Camaro

    do we really need two threads for this?
  4. kenny

    Martini Park

    thats all you dude, bitch is beat
  5. kenny

    92 Camaro

    100x74, high resolution
  6. kenny

    Martini Park

    No, I'm not into ugly coked out whores. Bitch is beat as fuck.
  7. kenny

    Martini Park

    Only for a large amount of cash.
  8. kenny

    Martini Park

    Lindsey Lohan is about as hot as rubbing sand paper on my dick.
  9. kenny

    Martini Park

    I'll assume you picked up a gay dude with aids there though.
  10. kenny

    Martini Park

    lots of talk of d-bag bars up in this thread
  11. I was thinking it was already together. Doh.
  12. Any of you fuckers played Left 4 Dead? Trying to decide if I should buy it or not...
  13. I still want pics of this Chevette, fuck these dumbass kids.
  14. I know it's early in the week, but I find it hard to believe anyone is going to top this gem: Fail.
  15. kenny


    It would be better without the last pic.
  16. kenny


    Jesus fucking christ you're one stupid mother fucker. It's PETA, you god damn retard.
  17. game over, sleep time piece bitches
  18. ahaha, you know what, fuck it, lets lose by 2
  19. in for 12 second small blocks with huge jets
  20. I'm losing my boner at least there is no way it's going to OT
  21. murder dog going to bite your face off while sleeping
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