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Everything posted by kenny

  1. you don't know bout animatronics secksy time
  2. oh you gotta be fucking kidding me
  3. pick 6 will work though lulz
  4. I'm telling you dude, deaf and mute.
  5. Really, really, really NWS. http://www.efukt.com/2315_It%27s_Not_What_It_Looks_Like.html I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Someone linked me without warning, so I figure you should have to feel my pain as well.
  6. trowa I'm making a thread for you
  7. NWS http://www.efukt.com/2286_Deaf_Girl_Still_Wants_To_Be_A_Pornstar.html
  8. kenny

    another newb

    finish work is easy to fix.. the mechanical shit is what suuuucks
  9. If you don't like jack and coke you are not a man.
  10. I'm pretty good at not puking, and if I do, I do it before I sleep. Rookie.
  11. jack and coke is whats up
  12. does the bucket symbolize your anal virginity?
  13. your code is backward internet going to implode
  14. we're docking at the next time out
  15. you're fixing me a toastata after
  16. looks like someone turned the sensitivity to 11
  17. I settle for a hot Russian mail order bride. I'm not marrying a bitch though, and she's living in a cage. lulz
  18. Dude, you're going at it all wrong. Deaf and mute. Deaf. And. Mute.
  19. kenny

    another newb

    302 = LC2 LC2 = DOTC club 302 = slip the block in half both are equally cool
  20. to get drunk for cheap its called college, you gay or summin?
  21. -10 man points MNF son, ESPN
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