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Everything posted by kenny

  1. The thing I find most funny about Mac is their horrid advertising... pretty much all of it attacks Windows as if there aren't any other options for an OS. It's about as smart as the people that buy them because they look cute (read: who they market towards).
  2. Tell me how much I make and what I do for a living. Please.
  3. kenny

    another newb

    What's the current ET/MPH record for a LSx?
  4. Yeah, and they also make these things called competent engineers.
  5. kenny

    another newb

    You're a failure, you get no opinion.
  6. When did Tilley have a Typhoon? http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/ugh22.gif
  7. http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/roflwtf.gif
  8. I'm sure some of the devices I have won't fit. I'll stick with my tablet for anything like that. Stylist owns for tuning and you don't get yelled at by lame tech people at Trails for having an open laptop in the car.
  9. Misinformation. More like horrid engineering spent making things look "cute" instead of function. Typical Mac style, make it look cute so idiots buy it, screw how it functions.
  10. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2008/01/macbook-air-ev-do-test-top.jpg
  11. Does revision b include a fix so you can actually use the USB port? Mac = fale
  12. Sounds like you have a solid reason to put a man turbo on it.
  13. kenny

    GM - dead?

    Obama would pay them out of his own pocket. CHANGE.
  14. kenny

    another newb

    LC2 > LS2 > 3800 Discuss.
  15. Personal responsibility, in today's America? Sheit.
  16. kenny

    another newb

    I sware it said 30 when I read it. Maybe I'm nuts.
  17. If you can't keep a 550whp car straight you need a better chassis setup and some real tires.
  18. 500whp still gets you high 12 second ETs, though.
  19. Have one of them pull the downpipe and look at the exhaust side. If the seal is leaking you will see signs of oil very clearly. The video you posted is exactly what a leaking exhaust seal looks like.
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