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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Fuck no, just read some of the replies. You'll see shit like "DON'T CALL SHE HAS A DICK". It's awesome.
  2. Fuck like 1am. Two free shots and a free beer though. That is win.
  3. When you post I want to kick babies.
  4. kenny

    Winter CR?

    You're banned for killing my Powerlogger, dick.
  5. I was thinking that was where I bought it... now I'm just clueless. Those guys are pretty cool though, they'd probably get it if asked.
  6. I need a bloody mary to fix this hang over.
  7. kenny

    Winter CR?

    LC2 crew is going to get work did come spring. and by crew, I mean me.
  8. Some of the chicks have dicks.
  9. I read it to keep myself amused at work since you fuckers generally aren't that funny.
  10. I'm 95% sure Kenny Rd Market stocks Yuengling.
  11. Fuck I think I might still be drunk now. Hot bartenders that don't let you leave FTL.
  12. kenny

    Winter CR?

    Too drunk to know.
  13. That IS the point. There are two options, always have been, always will be. How are you so blind you can't see this? Me voting for Ron Paul (who I wouldn't ever vote for) is about as useful as me voting for Joe Rogan, or my 3rd option (the one I choose), not to vote at all. Neither of the candidates are going to do anything they say, and nothing is going to change in the next four years. Americans will continue to be the worthless bottom feeding, expect everything to be handed to them, crying, pussy bitches we've come to be since the end of WWII. Choosing to not vote isn't neglecting a freedom, it's embracing it.
  14. You didn't answer my question. Do you know who the last independent president was? Edit: and fuck you for saying I don't respect my freedoms.
  15. With that I'm going to go drink beer and hopefully not listen to this retarded shit on TV.
  16. So what's the difference in me voting for someone that has zero chance of winning and simply not voting? Again, this is something I already asked. Do you know who the last independent president was?
  17. Like I already said, what's the point in voting for anyone other than the two party systems? They have no chance of winning because they don't have enough money.
  18. First I'm apathetic, then bitter, now I'm no long a citizen?
  19. http://www.marriedtothesea.com/092408/interview-over-lunch.gif
  20. It would say that you've already voted smart guy.
  21. Still open for me, must just be closed to gays.
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