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Everything posted by kenny

  1. What the fuck is gdlkg masc? God like? WTF?
  2. So now I'm bitter because I don't vote? I'm simply asking you WHY I SHOULD VOTE. You keep beating around the bush. First I'm apathetic, now I'm bitter. Is it that hard to come up with a reason I should vote? I find it highly amusing you're telling me to "chill" as if I'm somehow even remotely upset about any of this.
  3. Dude I could read that shit all day. Oh wait, I do, while getting PAID.
  4. No, I've never heard of that. I didn't make it out of 8th grade. So I write someone in and waste 30min of my life, how is that any different than not wasting 30min of my life and not voting. Both net the same result. Just say you have no valid point as to why I should vote and we can both move on.
  5. So your entire reason for voting was "because apathetic is no way to go through life, son"? and people wonder how this country has become what it is today.
  6. and results in this http://www.cordodor.net/chris/pics/forums/gifs/96.gif
  7. I browst that at work when bored. Shit has massive lulz.
  8. I'm not an emo kid. I just don't see a point in voting. Please, show me it.
  9. I despise all my options, where does that leave me?
  10. In other words you have no reason?
  11. Myspace has WHORES. http://www.cordodor.net/chris/pics/forums/gifs/1.gif
  12. Dude needs to learn how to powershift, I could build a sammich in between his shifts.
  13. It's cool I guess, but I'd still rather have a 80mm on a GT. Also, is it just me or did it look very poorly strapped down? Through the wheels? Really?
  14. I'd grab my dick, son.
  15. But then I'll have nothing to do at work, which means I'll just migrate to another forum.
  16. http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k121/r6stunner/ATT3154961.jpg http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k121/r6stunner/ATT3154962.jpg I'm not sayin', but I'm sayin'
  17. Whoever this Pual guy is, Phil, and black Mustang dude all need bant.
  18. Was in Indy which is why I'm in bed now. Unless something changes I won't be there tonight either. Stare at her boobies for me.
  19. I haven't even made it out of bed since errbody is working.
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