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Everything posted by kenny

  1. kenny


    Or is because he's black?
  2. kenny


    I fail to see how a McCain/Palin shirt is interesting?
  3. Shut the fuck up about politics already.
  4. Allow me to ban people too. I'll clean house. Now I'm going to go get drunk because I hate my life. http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/ugh22.gif
  5. Or we could just have a section called "Ask Kenny". I'll tell you in five words or less if they suck cock for wooden nickels.
  6. You can't get ripped and pump iron? Don't be a bitch.
  7. If the drinks are not alcoholic they fail at being on campus.
  8. That isn't the fastest Model A and that is massively old. That said, one awesome sleeper. The added ignition switch to make it sound like a stock Model A > *
  9. Come jackhammer my penis with your mouth.
  10. Shit yeah it will be. Only thing holding it back now is the heads. Made 410whp on 17psi with a little 60mm and stock heads. Motor is 250".
  11. I'm sure all the cum you've eaten over the years has flawed your taste buds. With that, I'm going to a meeting. See you fuckers tomorrow.
  12. For the record Kenny's love for Hoggies > Kenny's love for City BBQ
  13. kenny


    Looks like someone is going to have to get a second job for this week.
  14. kenny


    I was going to ask Kevin to make a graph of how 2 hotty Scotty was vs. BAC, but he left.
  15. I REALLY need to send my heavy barrel FAL parts to AZ to get built.
  16. kenny


    The one that normally buys me lunch is out of town until Saturday. ... which is where you come in.
  17. kenny


    Girl at work bought me a bag of candy corn. Victory is mine.
  18. kenny


    You fucking rebel.
  19. kenny


    Last time I went there I got a dude that was lacking muscle in the wrist. I'm not going that route for a free meal.
  20. kenny


    Shit yeah, you're paying.
  21. kenny


    What are you getting me for lunch tomorrow?
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