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Everything posted by kenny

  1. kenny


    So what you're saying is, fat chicks = microwave We need a graph for that, that's just mind blowing.
  2. kenny


    That's why you don't get guys like Scott. You're missing out, player.
  3. The part where the loves falls is where I'm straining to push a City BBQ turd out, which strangely makes me hate cops more. Your graphs make things so clear, Kevin R.
  4. On a positive note though - I just had a meeting where City BBQ was provided and I only have another 2hrs until my next meeting, which after it's over, I get to go home. ... and I'll probably be pulled over on the way home for not using a turn signal or something else equally awesome that results in my shit getting impounded due to someones lack of basic math skillz.
  5. Or having a gun drawn on me (I posted this in the other thread as well) for having a plate light out.
  6. I won't even go into the one where I was clocked 72 in a 65, with a truck PASSING me and I was pulled over, then when I called him on it he instantly changed it to 82. Since I had like 3 or 4 on my record at the point the judge didn't want to hear it and I got to pay. Worthless, yet again.
  7. Don't be sorry, it's fact. They're only good at taking money from normal citizens for bullshit offenses. That's it. Tax collectors with guns. Here, from another thread that I just posted yesterday, and this leaves out all my traffic "violations" in which I've never been in a crash (other than wrecking my bike with no one around but that was 100% my fault and no one was hurt so eat my ass with a spoon).
  8. 41 in a 25, still weaksauce. I'll PM you the road and you can look for yourself if you're that interested. It's a 3 lane business parkway, I could see if children were involved but seriously, no one drives on this road except grown ass individuals.
  9. http://www.wtfhost.com//files/44/both.jpg my AKs > your AK I'm too lazy to post the rest guns.jpg
  10. If that happened here the car with the camera would have been ticketed for speed, while the car with three wheels continued to drive.
  11. kenny


    Get all whored up looking Go downtown Find some douche with monies Take half ??? Profit
  12. Don't get me started on how many tickets I've had with incorrect information filled out. A few off the top of my head: incorrect date, incorrect car, incorrect license plate. This officers name is Dirk Russell, feel free to call him a worthless cock sucker for running radar on a fucking business parkway.
  13. Damnit, wish I would have seen that before mailing the shit. Still though, I probably would have got the same notice since our local police officers can't pass a 3rd grade math class.
  14. Yeah, plate says SLEPT. I was going to use that on my last car which was a dark blue chrome trim grandma high 10, bottom 11 car but I thought it was more fitting on the four door. TSM is a cool class but I'm with you, I only race for fun. I know Scott Simpson and Lonnie pretty well too. If everything goes well this winter SLEPT should have a 74 or 80mm turbo for next year along with a set of GN1s.
  15. It's a Dynojet. Take the W. Broad St. exit off of 270, head west on W. Broad. You will pass a Kroger and then a driving range. First right after the driving range. Use the location of 39.952239,-83.163199 on Google maps if you want pin point directions...
  16. Just rack this up as another on the long list of reasons why I think police are 150% useless. They're seriously the equivalent of a tax collector with a gun.
  17. I don't even think that is an option anymore. I could be wrong, but had I known you could do that I probably would have done that. Jesus.
  18. "Press 4 to pay your ticket" Then after all the shit is overwith... "Phone payment is not an option" http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/bowrofl.gif 15 fucking calls in front of me... it's 9am. Jesus christ. Hire more worthless fucks to deal with your failure of a system.
  19. Jesus, it's pretty pathetic you have to scam THAT many people to actually be prosecuted.
  20. and the fucking line is busy http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/bowrofl.gif with all the money I've paid you sorry fucks you can't even afford call waiting?
  21. We don't really need 16 threads with random images we've all seen before.
  22. I'm thinking more along the lines of stealing a F40LM and going out on a murderess rampage.
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