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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Only a gay would say Roosters sucks. Hot bitches everywhere. I promise that is the only BW3 doing that.
  2. kenny

    Discuss UFC....

  3. Yes. Won't tell a soul when I do it though.
  4. I would have been making fun of him the whole fucking time. Worthless cock suckers, I hope the pillow I bought your bitch asses feels good at night.
  5. ahahahah Fuck - I left out the one where I got a gun drawn on me for telling the dude I had a CCW when he pulled me over. I only told him that so he wouldn't wonder when he ran my license.
  6. kenny

    Discuss UFC....

    Yeah, that shit was lame. He must be tired of dominating people or something. WTF was with Cote's leg? Shit was foul.
  7. That's profiling and I want paid if true. Commie fucks.
  8. Ways CPD is 100% worthless, 17: El Camino stolen from me. Was jacked from a body shop where there is no way anyone would be able to see the car from the road. The car was left outside for ONE day and just so happened to disappear that day. No attempt even made to look into it. 18: My friend Clint was shot and killed. Three or four years later the guy that did it was actually charged. He got a REALLY short term WITH a possibility of parole. Awesome. 19: T-Type stolen in broad daylight. Four years later I find the car, no thanks to CPD. The shit is sitting at the fucking impound where their autosquad supposedly checked the car out. Within five minutes I've figured out more than they did in the year it was sitting there. The car came into the impound with a motor, transmission and rear axle - by the time I found it those had all been removed. 20: A month before I turn 21, picked up for underage drinking on campus. Between the three of us they busted we had consumed 1.5 beers, we each drank about half of the beer we had on us. We were WALKING. Way to keep thugs off the street, badasses. 25: Two or three days after I turn 25 and my insurance rates drop, I get a speeding ticket for doing 41mph in what I thought was a 35mph zone. Its a fucking business parkway, the shit isn't marked from my work (where I was leaving) to where I was pulled over (maybe a 1/2 mile at MOST). What am I going to hit, a goose? Do something better with my tax dollars, you worthless cunts. ... and that's leaving some shit out. Seriously, fucking worthless. /rant
  9. I already know you're an uncreative fuck by the lame cars you own, you don't need to reinforce the fact.
  10. I'm still kinda eating. Late lunch FTW. 1.5hrs left.
  11. fuck that shit then I'd have to talk to people
  12. school is for fools quick someone tell me what I want for fudz
  13. I want to get ripped off booze while working.
  14. hahaha she's going to take both of you for HALF WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY?!
  15. kenny

    fuck my life

    I'll go with if you don't care. I've got absolutely nothing going on.
  16. kenny

    fuck my life

    How'd shit go last week BTW? Kil Kare this week at all?
  17. kenny

    fuck my life

    Sounds good in practice until you have to do it every day. I'd rather be getting dirty. I need to become someones shop bitch after work or something so I don't feel so worthless at the end of the day.
  18. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this is in the wrong section.
  19. kenny

    fuck my life

    You gotta test swing hammers before you buy them.
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