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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Jesus, I would buy two at that price.
  2. kenny

    fuck my life

    Bullshit asshole. That sounds seriously good for lunch today, I wonder if I can con anyone into it.
  3. kenny

    fuck my life

    I think you should probably just pay for my meal at Abuelos.
  4. kenny

    fuck my life

    Depends. Are you deaf and mute?
  5. But you just said your character was fat. Which is it?
  6. Sounds really, really, really nerdy.
  7. kenny

    fuck my life

    what's in it for me
  8. kenny

    get out to vote.

    Do we really need a new thread for every Terry Tate video? There is a reason YouTube has related videos to the right of the one you're watching...
  9. hahaha, and he uses it well played sir, well played
  10. http://i34.tinypic.com/21j3dvl.jpg That's what it needs to be.
  11. kenny

    fuck my life

    Today is much better, first hour down and it seems like I've been here for 10min. Tomorrow will rule - I have a meeting at noon and one at three. I <3 meetings, guaranteed time I don't have to work. Oh, and free lunch tomorrow. Win.
  12. ZmOg YoU TyPe LiKe A FucKiNG TooLZ LawL
  13. Didn't find them on eBay... I want 17"s front and rear all I find is stock sizes or 17"s that are too wide (for 125/250s)
  14. haha, I had a pretty good string of Tim Bits at work today
  15. I lied. Just extract it with WinRAR, and run S2000.exe, works fine on my laptop with XP installed.
  16. http://www.fullfreegamedownload.net/get_file.php?did=3761 You'll probably need DOS box too... http://www.dosbox.com/
  17. Saw the car at Trails, shits tyte.
  18. There have been some retarded comments all game. WTF.
  19. Did he seriously just say "this is the slaying of the dragon"? Really?
  20. god damnit Manning I told you to bomb it to Gonzo now you look like a faggot and the Titans are still undefeated
  21. First down. Come on ladies.
  22. Announcers sealing this one already. Still time left, haters. Manning bomb one to Gonzo. Secksy time.
  23. EZ Street is where it's at for "real cars".
  24. They got robbed of one early on. Fumble called down when the ball was clearly out far before his knee was down.
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