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Everything posted by kenny

  1. kenny

    fuck my life

    Well, at least you don't take dumps all over like Frank.
  2. kenny

    fuck my life

    Hmm. Job opening in Tulsa working for the Army/Navy. Sounds more fun than here...
  3. kenny

    fuck my life

    Homie don't play.
  4. kenny

    fuck my life

    Greg will fuck around and light your ECU on fire.
  5. kenny

    fuck my life

    Or at least your knees broken.
  6. I'm drinking tonight fo sho.
  7. kenny

    fuck my life

    Chipotle doesn't bother my stomach at all. You're a wussy.
  8. The fuck is a Mustang I'm talking about grapes.
  9. kenny

    fuck my life

    almost lunch time
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBJVs7mICZ4
  11. http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/Photos/96784Xaus.jpg
  12. kenny

    fuck my life

    The only day I enjoy being here is Sunday, and that's because it's only me and two other people, we just watch football and relax. Every other day, it's a rat race.
  13. kenny

    fuck my life

    Shit like that is what's wrong with this country. ADD is fake, beat your kid more, they'll fucking pay attention.
  14. kenny

    fuck my life

    Sounds more involved than my job. It isn't anything near what I expected to be doing when I accepted the offer. I need to find something more fun. I miss my old job but the pay wasn't there...
  15. kenny

    fuck my life

    One word for you: Blow me.
  16. kenny

    fuck my life

    I just did the most amount of work I'll do all week... I carried some paper from the supply room to the printer for some chick.
  17. kenny

    fuck my life

    Going to Indy next week, then Virginia a few weeks later.
  18. kenny

    fuck my life

    I thought you wrote code or something?
  19. Might have found a set... if not I found where I can buy them but man they're retard expensive. $200 front, $240 rear, and that doesn't include spokes. Like $80/each for spokes.
  20. kenny

    fuck my life

    Every day I'm here I ask myself why I went to college...
  21. kenny

    fuck my life

    You don't want my job.
  22. kenny

    fuck my life

    Fussy isn't even in my vocabulary, that's a direct violation of man law.
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