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Everything posted by kenny

  1. kenny

    fuck my life

    Yeah, then they took your money.
  2. 49? I'm shooting for 27. Bike crash at Mid Ohio.
  3. http://i37.tinypic.com/dff3b9.jpg
  4. Nice. What kind of numbers are you expecting to make with the new motor?
  5. Sell the R6 instead, easier to replace and it's almost winter.
  6. I'd like to see Hillary die in slow motion HD.
  7. I'm holding out for the deaf/mute model.
  8. His brother is a dickhead.
  9. hahah, I kind of thought that's what you were getting at but sometimes it's hard to pick up on just text That, and it's 10min before I FINALLY get to go home and get some f'in sleep.
  10. Two years ago he ran off the field and returned wearing a different pair of pants.
  11. Well, except for taking a shit on the sideline.
  12. You know your shit is tyte when the crank can move 1/8" front to back and still not knock.
  13. I'm really pulling for PSU, I think it would be awesome if Joe Pa gets another NC.
  14. Staying single until I'm 96. He who dies with the most toys wins.
  15. Cooper was a good coach, he just couldn't be Michigan.
  16. He could actually get some yards if Tressel would ever use a play designed for a guy like him, instead of using him like Beanie trying to go up the middle. Mo is too small for that.
  17. Cooper had better recruits.
  18. kenny

    fuck my life

    Can you make her get up and keep a chair warm at work for me?
  19. Someone needs their man card revoked.
  20. Shits like a 4.60 or 4.90 if I remember right.
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