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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Mother fuckers going to make me buy a LOR. Team LOR GOLD CHAIN STOCK 600 R6 or some shit
  2. ~GT40 means I'd break shit. I don't want it to be fast, I want it to be fun and mostly reliable.
  3. I'm willing to bet he would say roll racing sucks ass.
  4. dark tint + 1ga = winnar God damnit I need another one. I'm thinking lowered, FMIC, injectors, pump, AFPR, clutch and a little GT series turbo. The truck is the only "normal" daily I've ever had and I hate every second of driving it.
  5. Fuck that place. Plus, I just washed the bike. I have some at my parents because I just did it to the 85... I just don't want to drive over there.
  6. I thought I had chain lube and cleaner here but I don't. Now I has to wash my truck and find some crap to clean zee chain.
  7. Or break their legs, but people cry if you hurt children.
  8. If you don't want to get your shit fucked with when you're not around the safe bet is to tell them it's cool as long as they don't screw with anything.
  9. Nothing tops Max Biaggi doing it on a 500cc GP bike. 12 o'clock? Pussy shit, I'm going for the 1 o'clock. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYr771w9wS4
  10. and I love it. So glad I called off work today to go ride.
  11. No salvage title. AC needs to be there, hopefully working. I want a clean one. Price... depends on what it is, really. $4k or less since it will only be a beater would be ideal.
  12. kenny

    windows xp users

    Just reinstall the driver...
  13. You sir, should apply for NASA, you just out smarted people on CR. Everyone here has a 160+ IQ making you a god among men.
  14. Some of the shit on there is mind blowing. I'll keep looking, I really need to wait until spring so I can sell my truck and drive the El Camino while looking. I'm anal though, I really only want a 1Ga. Flip ups ftw.
  15. Yeah, that's where the first post came from.
  16. It isn't, I just drove it a day ago - which is the reason I'm looking now.
  17. Threads that were made years ago for $500, Alex.
  18. Now you see why it was needed. What the shit are you rambling about?
  19. I'm going to go out on a limb here. A month old thread that hasn't hit two pages and most of the replies are from the thread starter, I'd say no one is interested.
  20. Are you sure you're a man? You can't change lanes, you drop phones into the shitter, etc. etc.
  21. Why is it so complex for some of you to calculate how fast you're going without a speedo?
  22. Look, just because you've had a few "lost calls" (read: dropped the phone into poopie water) doesn't mean we all do. In fact, your mother strangely loves when I whisper sweet nothings into her ear while the background is filled by the musical notes of turds rushing out of my tight anus. You should seriously consider buying her a gift card to a local shrink, something isn't right about that.
  23. brb, need to make a single hand lane change to the shitter
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