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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Either user error or you were shooting REALLY bad ammo. I can group better than that at 100 yards while shooting the AMD-65, which has a 12" barrel instead of a 16".
  2. kenny

    I Hate

    Well that sucks, because I'm at work.
  3. kenny

    I Hate

    God damn I'm fucking bored. 30min until meeting time.
  4. kenny

    I Hate

    What makes a word "bad" anyway? What if the was considered a "bad" word? ZOMG, you said THE. Stupid hippies.
  5. kenny

    I Hate

    Oh shit I said the fucking f-word.
  6. kenny

    I Hate

    That's because you're a fucking faggot.
  7. Same one used on Dragunovs... Most AKs you'll see will have the scope rail on the side.
  8. Take your pick, http://www.wtfhost.com//files/44/amd65_durka1.jpg http://www.wtfhost.com//files/44/romak991.jpg
  9. kenny

    I Hate

  10. kenny

    I Hate

    shootin' bullets n' shit
  11. kenny

    I Hate

    You'll shoot your eye out, kid. I don't care about losing the drivers license, losing the CCW sucks - means I have to drive all the way to Madison County. Ohwell, I needed to renew it anyway. Been 4 years already.
  12. You'd still be spending $300k...
  13. That's because you're not a man.
  14. kenny

    I Hate

    You should print me a new drivers license and CCW since I managed to fucking lose mine.
  15. kenny

    I Hate

    Eating roofies again, eh?
  16. kenny

    I Hate

    You weren't wearing panties, you naughty girl.
  17. I'll help, I can even bring an AK47 or two so we can shoot it first.
  18. If I'm spending $300k on a car, it's going to be a F40.
  19. kenny

    I Hate

    this place > *.Easton http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=3950+Gramercy+St+Columbus,+OH+43219&sll=40.020023,-82.921886&sspn=0.025011,0.05579&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr
  20. kenny

    I Hate

    It will look at home where it ends up, I'm even thinking about using the Powermaster.
  21. kenny

    I Hate

    I stare at you every day while you eat.
  22. kenny

    I Hate

    Who the fuck am I?
  23. kenny

    I Hate

    I'm fixing it by making it an organ donor.
  24. kenny

    I Hate

    Do it you fucking pussy.
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