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Everything posted by kenny

  1. kenny

    I Hate

    Is Woody your BOB? If so, are you planning on BOBing it the whole way?
  2. Yeah, you want to fuck both. It's gross, we know you have a problem.
  3. Bitch I have to be awake at 6am.
  4. I threw up in my mouth a little.
  5. kenny

    I Hate

    Driving would be more fun if you didn't drive a Scion.
  6. kenny

    I Hate

    That's a hell of a drive for a girls night out. I'd just fly so I could drink on the way there.
  7. A fat inbred girl from West Virginia, maybe.
  8. ahahaha, it was pretty quiet until you got on the gas... and of course I was flogging the fuck out of it that whole weekend.
  9. Buy turbo Regal Catch my Powerlogger on fire ??? Run 11s
  10. Oh yeah, I know you. 20+psi boost launches in front of the hangout = no one in Mansfield wanting to race me.
  11. Oh werd, I probably met him at Norwalk or something.
  12. I have no idea who you are, did you roofie me? http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/ugh22.gif
  13. and catch more of my shit on fire
  14. kenny

    I Hate

    So you don't like liars, but you don't like assholes either? That doesn't leave you much to choose from. Assholes = honest. Look into a BOB.
  15. kenny

    I Hate

    ahaha, there is zero chance of that happening
  16. http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/ugh22.gif
  17. Worst thread ever. I was hoping for pics of smoked Powerlogger hardware.
  18. kenny

    I Hate

    That's gotta be the first time anyone has ever said that about me.
  19. I have always wondered the same thing.
  20. kenny

    I Hate

    I have room under my desk...
  21. kenny

    I Hate

    Minor detail. Deaf, mute, hot and likes giving blow jobs is good enough for a start. We can work on her career later.
  22. I'm growing them for you, lover.
  23. kenny

    I Hate

    I'll stick to my quest to find a deaf mute chick then.
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