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Posts posted by kenny

  1. 320whp is rather solid for an A4 car. Get that bitch on the dyno with the T56 and bolt ons and see what it does.


    Agree with Kirk on that being a steal, even if the TA needed some love. Solid move.

  2. Tilley, if you're buying an Appletini I offer a suggestion; give him cash instead. In the event of a hot chick seeing you buy an Appletini for another man, she will likely think you're a gay. If she doesn't realize it's for a dude, she'll think you're with someone. Neither outcome is good, cash just looks like you lost a bet.


    Keep it straight, brosif.

  3. This is why our diving test difficulty needs increased.


    ... and before anyone says it, yes, I know it's not in the US. The point still stands, we have drivers just as bad as that which should never have been issued a license.

  4. Understandable but making fun of someone's career choice? Thats not cool and just because i choose to be a auto tech makes him higher than me on the food chain??........NOT!


    He gives happy endings for a living, I wouldn't worry too much about what he has to say.

  5. You're joking, right? 12 point socket + hammer = "locking" lug off in two seconds Or, if you want to spend $40 at a parts store, they make a removal kit that is essentially the same thing.


    Five minute problem, at most.

  6. I have so many stories like yours from when I was doing the Grand Prix stuff. I can't count the times I was laughed at in the staging lanes by muscle drivers only to dust them by, in many cases, whole seconds.


    One I remember in particular was an LS1 Corvette in the lane next to mine, three cars back, at Norwalk. Driver walked up to me with several of his buddies in tow, asked if I borrowed the car from my Mom, laughed in my face, and said I should get a hold of something fast like his Corvette. "You'in need a real fast car like my Vette!" was about what he said.


    When I got to the strip, I had the official hold me so I could get lined up with him. He just laughed and shook his head. I beat him with a 11.7x to his 12.3x and three miles an hour. We were both on DR's.


    He didn't look at me at the end of the track, and I gave him plenty of opportunity. I saw him and his buddies in the staging lanes two more times and none of them would look me in the eye.


    You know it, that shit never gets old. :D


    I have such a raging boner to do it with the El Camino. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU TOOK A 355 OUT OF IT TO PUT IN A V6?!!!1one

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