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Posts posted by kenny

  1. haha


    Me and the two guys I normally watch hockey with were in disbelief at all the people suddenly cheering for the Jackets. All season we had to request games be shown on TVs, no one paid a bit of attention.


    During that game the entire bar would scream when something good happened (and since they're all bandwagon fucks, sometimes when nothing amazing happened at all).


    It was insane - kind of like when UFC became the cool thing and all the Tapout faggots started watching. ZOMG HE GOT PUNCHED BRO!!! GET LOUD!!!!one


    /hate for bandwagon chotch bags

  2. I watched the Blackhawks game at a bar, and holy fuck, the bandwagon is out in full force.


    One guy was screaming "Let's go Blue Jackets", dude, if you're going to be loud about it - at least get the chant right.

  3. Someone made a post on one of the Buick boards talking about good memories from your rides, so these are two of mine.




    One that sticks out has to be getting lined up next to a trailer car I followed all the way to the track.


    About the time I reached the exit for the drag strip, I pulled up behind a 69 Camaro on a trailer. Obviously, he was headed where I was, so I didn't bother to pass him on the two lane road that leads to the drag strip even though he was driving rather slow.


    We get to the track, he unloads the car while I let mine cool down a bit. It ends up that we get lined up next to each other, I do my normal quiet burnout and light the first bulb. He does a John Force burnout, makes all kinds of racket and finally stages.


    From memory our lights were about the same, as were our 60's (which I still laugh about it since my car was on a 28x9 ET Drag and his was on at least a 12" or 13" slick - this was at MCIR btw). I went an 11.20 to his 11.3x. After the pass he caught up with me while the hood was open and asked if it was the same Regal that had followed him in, I told him it was and that I had been getting around 24mpg with the A/C on. His face was priceless.




    Another good one was getting booted from the local tech nazi track (read: Trails). I had just bolted the turbo back on (exhaust seal had been leaking, so had it rebuilt) and was running late getting to the track. My brother was with me since he hadn't seen the car make a pass. We get there rather late, so I had to talk to a few guys in the tower to even get someone to tech the car. Finally someone comes all the way from the far end of the track and techs the car as a 12.00 at best car. I tried not to smile as I assured him it wouldn't do better than a 14.30.


    My brother heads to the stands to watch and ends up next to the guys girlfriend I lined up next to. It was a cold night, so I made sure to put a lot of heat in the tires. My brother hears the guys girlfriend say "Why is that grandma car doing such a big burnout?". Since I was running time only I didn't bother treeing the guy, so he gets a good 330' spot, if not more. The girl then makes another comment along the lines of "what is that car doing?" about the time I left off the brake. The car 60'd harder than it ever had before (my brother claims it hung the driver side wheel an inch or so) and I reeled the guy in HARD. His 1/4 mile MPH was something like 96mph to my 98mph in the 1/8.


    Since I had just put the car back together it ended up being a little fat on the tune and broke up on the big end, but it was on it's way to a 10.90 pass based on the 60' and 660' times. When I reached the timing shack I got a dirty look and already knew what was coming - no more passes for me that night.


    Headed back to pick up my brother, he told me about the things the girl said, we had a laugh and drove home.




    That's my random, bored out of my mind at work on Sunday thread. Also some motivation to start assembly of my long block tonight, assuming Napa has the tap and bit I need.

  4. Looking good man, didn't expect to see it back together this soon from the posts you made when you nuked it.


    And yes, Kenny, the headlights are all blacked out now not just the corners, intercooler too, and hood vents. Stealth bomber style. Nighttime = you don't know wtf just happed. :cool:


    I'll never understand why people want to make it harder for them to see/be seen at night.

  5. damn, thats quick for what little was done to it.


    Just a turbo, converter, fuel system and intercooler.


    The El Camino will have the same basic setup, with a better turbo and stock converter. Should cover that.


    The car I bought after that car was stolen did pretty well for just bolt ons too... 440whp, 500ft lbs, 11.20@122 all day every day on 22psi at MCIR. Made one pass at Trails, went a bit faster than that and got the boot. That car 60'd a best of 1.47 on a 28x9 ET Drag... bone stock suspension including stock trailing arms. Only thing done suspension wise was the front swaybar was removed and it had an air bag in the right coil.

  6. That was a new combo as far as setup... I normally ran it on 275/50 BFG Drag Radials and it would 60' bottom 1.6s at Norwalk (IIRC best was 1.602), on the Quick Time Pros it only went a 1.65 best and most of them during the day were in the 1.7s.


    Also, the chip in the car was a new one, it didn't have enough timing so even though I had the boost set higher than normal it made less power.


    The best the car went on the normal setup was a 11.79@114 IIRC? That's 21psi, pump gas, 275/50 BFGs.

  7. Looking to see if I'm on the R sizzle in this video, pre-cyborg mod.


    Edit: That's even pre-R6, that's when I still had the blue car - I think it was while the turbo was getting rebuilt.


    That's the night Mike nuked the diff on the RX7 after making the first 11 second RX7 pass in C-Bus, IIRC.

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