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Everything posted by kenny

  1. Applications Engineering Manual http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/1teefslayer.gif Lunch better be Roosters
  2. God I'm bored. So bored that I might actually pick this book up and get my learn on.
  3. No pie for you, asshole. I actually stole the less than sign thing from Tilley.
  4. I will punch you in your baby maker until you die, followed by slapping your face off your face!
  5. No, but I would crash it for you.
  6. ahaha, I have a feeling I'm getting sucker punched next time I see you
  7. kenny

    Main St B Dubs

    That dick was supposed to pay for mine, I gave him a reach around in the parking lot for nothing.
  8. kenny

    Main St B Dubs

    That's what you said last time and you still paid for mine.
  9. kenny

    Main St B Dubs

    Unicorn and shit. You should probably get me Roosters for lunch.
  10. That's what happens when you put it on the bumper... How about all four? http://www.gnttype.org/media/Rudbeck4.mpg
  11. kenny

    Main St B Dubs

    Like 12:30? I can't win. I don't get wastered drunk, and yet somehow I still manage to slap snooze enough to be 20min late. Fale and aids.
  12. kenny

    Main St B Dubs

    Woah woah, the deal was you're buying ME lunch.
  13. Go the fuck outside WoW douche.
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