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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. local, we are ohio riders because we ride in ohio. best way i know how to put it....
  2. oh i forgot i had a picture on here so no photobucket
  3. Not fair.... And if you want info about trackdays go to the stt website and you should get all the info you need! I would give you a link but I'm posting from the phone....
  4. Sounds like someone is in need of a trackday and mid-ohio is right down the road from ya!
  5. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=18028 theres the for sale thread. and i will have to get home before i can send pics if you cant view photobucket. but its the bike in my avatar and my sig if you can see those.
  6. welcome!!! and i want a two stroke tripple!!!
  7. I have an 06 for sale. It doesn't have that much aftermarket and what it does have isn't ghetto, and I have all the stock parts to go with it.
  8. i tired of being in debt and have told myself the next loan i am taking is for a house.... though it is tempting.
  9. +1 the black s is just sexy no question about that.....
  10. noooo!!! noone is alowed to buy this.... GOD i wish i had money right now....
  11. that would be a citation i would be proud of!!!
  12. it happends, have fun on vaction man, enjoy the sun while you have it.
  13. nice, how long did it take you to stitch that picture together JERK!!!
  14. i may be giving you a call soon about this. i need a good one piece, i just dont have the $'s right now. if its not sold in a couple of weeks i will give you a shout. and does shift have a sizing chart i can check out?
  15. Get rid of the harley!!! I don't see the point in buying an over priced cruiser anyway.... And if you love your 996 why not give it another duc to keep it company?
  16. :lol: its is inevitable!!!
  17. e-flores

    09 r1

    I still think it's ugly... But I must say that "big bang" motor sounds pretty effing sexy, it's probably the closest thing you are going to get, sound wise, to a ducati v-twin w/o sarcrificing the top end. But I would have a hard time riding something that ugly.
  18. jerm i super jealous.... so not fair..... i may steal my brother in laws 660 ktm and we may go for a cruise, but i cant promise you that i will not get us both into trouble with the police.
  19. chris i hate it when you post because i feel obligated to watch your avatar at least 20 times and it throws a good 2-3 minutes of my life out the window.....
  20. really??? that would be acceptable if it were photoshoped.
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