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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. i love the new sig pic!!!! i really want to know what lens you are using and your light setup.

  2. sad to hear that man glad you made it out in one piece and that your gear allowed you to actually talk to us. hope you get into surgery soon and rehab and all that fun stuff goes over well. and just a piece of advice, do your rehab exercises, stretches, etc. and you wil not end up like the guy at your work. those people know what they are doing and will get you back up and walking just fine. and dont sell the tard, you still got circleville mang!
  3. My thoughts and prayers go out to your dad and your family, if you guys need anything give me a shout. i'm not as far away as you guys think. And I am sure everyone else here is more than willing to lend a helping hand.
  4. so lets kill the sarcasm, the teslas take 10-14 HOURS!!! to charge with a range of 200 miles. i would have to charge that thing every other day, and no your battery in your gsxr does not weigh only one pound, try 5-7.... now imagine filling a whole cars floorboard and a good portion of the trunk with your "1lb" battery... that makes a 2700lb curb weighted sports car? thats based off a car with a curb weight of 1900lbs..... thats almost a half a ton of added curb weight. and reliabilty.... tesla even says they have reliability issues, and cost? near $100,000? think what else i can buy for 100g? i do commend the builders for taking on technology we really need and i hope it gets better dont get me wrong i was just saying it is not logicall to invest in a bettery opperated sports car right now.
  5. we came close to beating you guys, and we had an hour and half breakdown process.... but excuses are only excuses you guys did walk away with the crown. but you need to be there so the cincy crew can tear it up again and take that crown away!!! otherwise i will have felt like i accomplished nothing by winning!
  6. e-flores

    Hey Schmuck!!

    i have to say i would have never thought about a postal truck as a decent get away auto, but GOD that is brilliant!!!
  7. i dont think it really matters... chrysler may steal as many ideas as they want, right now it isnt viable to buy a baterty operated cars. its kinda cool to think that we can build a not only a car that runs on batteries but a sports car that actually has decent performance based on the same idea, but in reality they weigh a ton, have reliabilty issues, take forever to charge, they are god aweful expensive, and i would really rather have the sound of beautiful exhaust urging me to go faster. until technology improves durastically i think these cars are more or less "looky what i can build" type of cars that will improve the image of a company such as chrysler. on the other hand tesla is basing a whole company off of the idea so that could step up the development.....
  8. Yep!!! What wins on Sunday sells on Monday. If you prove yourself at the track I am sure people will be more than happy to tune with you. Get some stickers and have the bikes/cars you dyno represent you at the track as well. If they see who helps them go faster they will customers will come running in, that's if you do well enough though. But from what I hear you will have no problems keeping up at the track.
  9. I may up for this one.... I have something planned for the begining of the day, not sure how long it will last though.
  10. Nice!!! How many zip ties are you going to go through to install that bad boy!?
  11. Yeah they were represented, was talking about the team we had last year. Hopefull cincy and Dayton will have enough people to bring a couple teams each!
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