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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. What!? You're selling the trusty stead huh? What did you buy in her place?
  2. im just going to throw this out there but thats the same driving range we went to for our scavenger hunt pics!!!! and i cant wait for a dyno day! i hope to have a trackbike by then so i can get a useful dyno and not just a fun run.
  3. Very nice!!! That thing is going to be super sexy!
  4. i like it, but i would want to see how they would look at an angle.
  5. if i still have a roadbike i will be in on this for sure!
  6. i dont know... i started on a 600, but i knew my limits. for sure! i rode the thing like it was a 250 though. i would say its more of a mindset than anything else. like a im to cool to wear my helmet and jacket so im gunna slap on my oakleys instead type of deal. and someone who rides way above their own skill set. i am sure there are other examples, but what it comes down to is the mental aspect of the rider.
  7. this thread wins the tread of the day award BTW and mj.... rep points!!! conversation i had earlier to day at work, this is pertaining to plasma t.v.'s by the way. manager: oh yeah man that 42" sharp is nice man! other manager: but that 46" vizio is the same price.... manager: but i would sacrifice the 4 inches. ME: that's what she said!
  8. I will see if I can find a list of our supliers that we get our titanium from at work. But mcmaster does carry it and like earache said they carry just about any size you need.
  9. I may be able to get a contact # or e-mail from my old engine builder but that's kinda a long shot....
  10. .....no not really.... i have actually met him a few times. when i used to race karts i saw him in and out of the kart shop all the time getting parts for his shifter kart and just hanging out, him and his dad would be at camden running every once in a while so he could get used to driving smooth. my engine builder spent two racing seasons with him in italy as his mechanic too, he had no complaints about the guy.
  11. e-flores

    Skyline Fan?

    Maybe..... But they def. Aren't like that on the way out....
  12. i believe you for sure!!! i raced single geared karts for 2 or 3 years i understand the corner speed deal, but for me its just more logical to go with the 600 for a trackbike/racebike.
  13. RIP sad to hear. my prayers go out to her and her family.
  14. haha!!! yeah i have found some decent rs's and tz's on the wera boards anywhere from 5 to 7 grand.... not bad but on the other hand i can buy a wicked awesome 600 for that price...
  15. i soo want one!!! i was thinking about picking up an rs250 or a tz250 but the upkeep sucks on those things.....
  16. That's cool if you change your mind just give me a shout
  17. how about this beauty???? http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=18028
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