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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. welcome!!! we got another for the cincy group we just want to know where in cincy now?
  2. yeah someone needs kicked in the face!!!
  3. I laughed forever when I read that one!!! I will never forget that line ever! It's going in my insult arsonal.
  4. nah i actually went riding today... for like 5 minutes but i couldnt help it with snow and all!!!
  5. :lol: and yeah sorry to hear about the bad experience, i really havent shown any inerest in buying there products in the first place. there pricing really isnt that competitive (especially with salvaged bikes) and now bad experiences with multiple customers. sad to hear from a site sponsor. i know its kinda harsh and i thank them for being a sponsor of this site but hey bad service is bad service there is nothing you can change about that.
  6. im jealous!!! if you guys ever need anyone give me a shout as of right now i am working on a mass communications deg. and a job opportunities like your own are the reason i got into mass communications to begin with... and you guys dont have to pay me all to much either.
  7. so are you guys hiring???
  8. racing of course!!! either on two wheels or four. i could care less. but there is probably not much of a chance at that so yeah, i would love to be a race announcer either two wheels or four as well. and if that doesnt work i wouldnt mind doing some PR for a race team or a racing company.
  9. thats about as good as an explanation as i could give:rolleyes:
  10. cool cool thanks brian!!! and sorry brandon, i know you love your fastest four letters in racing, but in my eyes your missing a letter.
  11. yeah i have added this one up 500 different times... and you listed everything i wanted besides some rotors. i have decided that it wasnt worth it unless you could find something under $2500, then i saw this guy. and it has potential for sure. the r6's are def. the way to go price wise when prepping a track machine, but GOD i love my honda and i dont want to stray away, though i may have to because there just so dirt cheap. also they say it comes with a bill of sale, how hard is it to turn that bill of sale into a salvaged title?
  12. alright so i came across this when looking on the wera forums. http://atlanta.craigslist.org/mcy/1001000738.html 2 main questions... 1) the pictures are not very detailed and i know i want more pictures such as pictures of the frame and the case covers anything you guys would ask for before driving 8 hours to pick this thing up and then i decide i dont want it for some reason. 2) how hard is it to resell a bike with just a bill of sale vs a title? and whatever you guys have to add is very very welcomed!
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